Doug Aguilar was the broker for the Estate using the moniker Property Solutions of Texas c/o a known virtual office Woodlands address.
Harris County Community Development LLC is twenty-four years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.
The first foreclosure: 6610 Tierwester St Houston Texas, and the latest foreclosure is for 3207 Alabama St Houston Texas.
LIT's Continuous Monitoring Uncovers the Fall of the TRO $100 Cash Bond Which Will No Longer be Universally Adopted.
Bonner Files for Quiet Title After Harris County Snap Removal.
Riston is represented by foreclosure defense counsel in this matter and not one of the usual suspects, who secured a TRO in... is the only legal investigative blog willing to detail the actual schemes in place in Texas Courts to steal citizens homes.
LIT Continues to Unmask the Ongoing Collaboration Between Fraudulent Real Estate Operators and Complicit Court Officials Driven by Greed.
If the judiciary in Texas cannot apply the laws consistently, then you cannot hold litigants accountable under the same standards.
Do you require a TRO or injunction to prevent foreclosure in Texas? No. LIT has hundreds if not thousands of cases where...
The same Hardeman who made a statement on video at Nate Paul's auction "go find a court in this building to stop...
1243 Melford Dr, Houston, TX 77077
Stanley and Stanley... the fake Immigration Lawyers who made over 7,000 applications before Texas caught up with 'em - sharp as ever...
The HOA sued for just over $800 in outstanding dues and received an order of foreclosure in Harris County District Court on...
Accusations of a fraudulent financial scheme and false statements to where did the PPP funds actually go are questions which need answered.
In earlier times, Judge Al Bennett was a Texas State Judge and Judge Jeff Brown was a Justice on the Texas Appellate...