Jay Rudman: The Court finds that Rudman committed fraud while president of KSPR. In re Chappell (Bankr. S.D. Tex. 2010), Judge Marvin...
LIT asked the experts on Twitter but we were met with a wall of silence, the usual response from Uni's, lawyers, judiciary...
This is a new article. It will be updated frequently. Bookmark as LIT reviews Andrew Lehman, post CFPB settlement.
And by all accounts Hugh Shannonhouse has also been facing commercial landlord-tenant disputes for non-payment of rent during the Pandemic.
Is the Whole Complaint One Big Lie? It Sure Reads That Way.The Harris CAD shows the property in the name of James...
It's pass the parcel between Bandit foreclosure defense lawyers, aka ten dollar title deed scammers, as Texas Attorney George Oggero appears.
What this example of Title Deed Fraud confirms is that Vilt,DeLaRue, Brewer, State and Federal Judges were part of this scam since...
Attorney Daniel Shea files into Harris County District Court to stop the Nov 2022 foreclosure auction, alleging fraud n wrongful foreclosure.
Joe Garza hid more than $1B of client income from the IRS, conning the U.S. Treasury out of roughly $200 million and...
While we wait for the petition to stop foreclosure by Robert C. Vilt to show on the docket, LIT's been busy.
In the latest attempts to obfuscate his frivolous foreclosure defense filing, Houston lawyer Erick DeLaRue's filings are sanctionable.
LIT tracked Houston Lawyer JL Sadick before re his Pandemic Fraud. Gericare is Back in State Court with a Judgment, but is...
This unlawful garnishment after judgment is due for dismissal tomorrow, Oct 17 for want of prosecution. Will Judge Hawkins show up to...
IS THERE ANY JUSTIFIABLE REASON to allow a cash-strapped lawyer to keep representing client(s) when he has committed gross misconduct?
Lawyer James Rivera's Harris County District Court case representation history is full of Divorces and Auto Vehicle Accidents. Not any more.
Ray Shackelford fails to disclose his relationship with buyer McQueen, the property will not cover the debt due, or his past litigation.
The system employed by the debt buyer Plaintiff by hiring a bonded Texas lawyer does not eradicate the need for a Surety...
Self-dealing caused Judge Bennett to enter judgment against Plaintiffs and equity will not enforce judgments procured by fraud.