Granting this Motion will not only save time and expense but also ensure a streamlined and efficient resolution of the related issues.
Despite Kruckemeyer's website calling itself The Kruckemeyer Law Firm, it is not an entity and was only registered as a DBA on...
Restrictin' the original complaint, motions and orders in Harris County District Court is becomin' standard practice for select litigants.
Lawyers representing their own business interests pro se should not be allowed (and wherein they can claim attorney fees too). Period.
Judge Al 'Bent' Bennett raises his hand to take this unlawful case from out of state law firm and unregistered with TX...
Randy Sorrels is debt collecting pro se for his firm from a lawyer in NY who retained his services, Julie Steamer
Presiding Judge of 11th Administrative Judicial Region is Judge Susan M. Baetz aka Judge Susan Brown who is married to Judge Marc...
Texas Lawyer Robert J Kruckemeyer and his son operate a legal practice in Houston, but Dad's political influence garners LIT's interest.
Here's what LIT wrote in 2019 when we highlighted this Texas Outlaw in a Dirty Black Robe; Roped In Twice and Escapes...
It's the take-away group of lawyers, formerly at Akerman, now at, who've removed this state case to federal court.
It is without doubt, Traynor n Davis of ALaw are Debt Collectin' Lawyers and therefore his firm requires an active Surety Bond.
Mr and Mrs Taylor's Valentine's Foreclosures: 20615 LEAFDALE CT HUMBLE TX 77338 and 10522 LEITRIM WAY HOUSTON TEXAS 77047
Former Texas Southern University Law School Asst Dean Edward Wayne Rene hit with second serious criminal charge.
A Single Man, Never Married, No Kids – Senator Bryan Hughes Authored the Texas ‘Heartbeat’ Bill which takes away women's right to...
Stanley and Stanley... the fake Immigration Lawyers who made over 7,000 applications before Texas caught up with 'em - sharp as ever...
When you reach 'discovery', Requests for Admissions (RFA's) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.
The new JPN Holdings lawsuit tells a story about HOA's unlawful fines and harassment, but without a shred of evidence filed as...
No wonder there's no Affidavit by Daspit Law Firm as they enter proceedings pro se. Maybe it explains why they were allegedly...