Another lawsuit filed by Minerve re solo owned RE company purported to be in the Frisco or Lubbock area, but investing in...
When you reach 'discovery', Requests for Admissions (RFA's) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.
Another lawsuit filed by Minerve re solo owned RE company purported to be in the Frisco or Lubbock area, but investing in...
Who is paying Texas lawyer James Minerve's fees for this baseless and frivolous filing to stop foreclosure in Harris County District Court?
When is a settlement agreement not a settlement agreement? When it involves a foreclosure, a bank and the Fifth Circuit.
CFPB Sues Ocwen (but losing badly) Mortgage Servicer’s Widespread Errors, Shortcuts, and Runarounds Cost Borrowers Money, Homes.
In the Burkes reply brief to their lawsuit on appeal at the court of appeals for the Fifth Circuit, they show the...
5th circuit dismissed the claims of the homeowner RESPA and QWR arguments, so the Bank wins. surprise the bank wins again by...
CitiMortgage sought to foreclose on Maldonado’s home; in the subsequent litigation, it offered summary judgment evidence that he owed a balance of...
Upon receipt of the documents and answers, an exam and audit may be conducted that may lead to a further document request...