As Wall St, US Gov., and Judiciary circle the wagons, this means allowing the Catholic Bandit go on the lam as they...
A State Bar member on inactive status may not engage in the practice of law in Texas. (Tex. Govt. Code §81.053(a)).
Critical Crossroads: Alliance Defending Freedom's Legacy Stands at the Brink, Responding to the Call Against Persistent Elder Abuse.
Judge XAVIER RODRIGUEZ rules in favor of PHH, despite their counsel's premature motion to dismiss, quickly asserting capacity to sue issues.
Ocwen PHH's egregious act was to use HAMP to POSTPONE foreclosures and add big balloon payments, NOT to help homeowners keep their...
LIT's Real Scumbag Series notes Erick Delarue has filed another fraudulent lawsuit in Harris County District Court.
If you're a homeowner with no legal basis for your lawsuit but you want more time in your home, you can find...
Here's proof that Wall Street has controlled and conspired with the US Govt in the Greatest Theft of Citizens Homes in American...
Sam Conner files pro se as trustee for the estate of Rosalie Conner, after his last court case was dismissed in federal...
The 3-panel 4th Circuit appeals court ruled that the Bankruptcy Code doesn’t stop the plaintiff from suing PHH Mortgage Corporation.
The bankruptcy court levied substantial financial penalties on PHH to convey a message that they must not violate court orders repeatedly.
Intervenor Plaintiffs seek to modify the protective order so that they can access materials produced by Ocwen in this case - granted.
PHH fully intended to poach and compete directly against Celink in the reverse mortgage subservicing industry, despite non-compete provision.
PHH Mortgage dump Locke Lord LLP and retain a boutique law firm comprising 2 lawyers focused on efficiency, cost cutting and creditor...
In 2006, Underwood's home was sold for $17k at foreclosure auction. He's been litigating for a total of 19 years. Now he's...
In US District Judge Joan Ericksen's Order denying disqualification of Magistrate Judge David Schultz, there is no mention of 3M Shares.
The blame for the uncertainty regarding GMAC’s - now PHH Ocwen's lien position lies with GMAC. GMAC agents prepared the flawed mortgage...
MN Appoints Judge Who Previously Represented PHH Mortgage. LIT reveals the Minnesota Judiciary's Scandalous Acts enabling Wall St Home Theft.