ORDERED that all claims and defenses asserted, or could have been asserted, by Ankus against PHH are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE (May 31,...
Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins snap removed Jeffery James Dennis to Federal Court and randomly assigned to Senior Judge Hittner.
Superior Consulting, Anthony Welch, the Woodsons and now a woman named Jourdain files in Harris County District Court over same home.
Dorman's case is a matter of public concern and the troubling facts in this case are being investigated by LIT directly, and...
The Clerks at the Southern District Federal Court in Houston willfully and intentionally fail to file Adversary Proceedings on date received.
The Constance case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
Dorman's case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
As Wall St, US Gov., and Judiciary circle the wagons, this means allowing the Catholic Bandit go on the lam as they...
Boston homeowner emerges victorious as a jury awards $2.75 million judgment against perpetrators of a foreclosure rescue scam.
Plaintiff was not a party to the deed of trust or loan agreement upon which the foreclosure sale of the subject property...
After Hurricane Harvey it is alleged that PHH Mortgage locked out Robins from her home. She still lists the home as her...
Here's proof that Wall Street has controlled and conspired with the US Govt in the Greatest Theft of Citizens Homes in American...
The 3-panel 4th Circuit appeals court ruled that the Bankruptcy Code doesn’t stop the plaintiff from suing PHH Mortgage Corporation.
PHH fully intended to poach and compete directly against Celink in the reverse mortgage subservicing industry, despite non-compete provision.
Judge Hoyt's recent dismissal: Non-party Karlton Woodson is a co-signatory to the Deed of Trust, but is not an obligor under the...
The deep pockets have made an appearance in Rhode Island as PHH Mortgage Corporation retain Locke Lord and 2 other law firms...
The PHH petition should be stricken for failure to separate the exhibits, filed in Harris County District Court, Judge Dawn Rogers presiding.
If the law and Const. is applied correctly by an impartial judiciary who follow the rule of law it should have no...