The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that federal courts possess the inherent power to vacate their own judgments upon proof that a...
The Eleventh Circuit just issued an opinion which is ultimate proof the judiciary is corrupt right down to the seams of their...
In the Burkes reply brief to their lawsuit on appeal at the court of appeals for the Fifth Circuit, they show the...
Bill Erbey's online real estate portal, Hubzu, launches a new mobile app that will give residential real estate investors on-the-go access.
Appellants, Joanna Burke and John Burke (“Burkes”), now file a Motion to Strike Appellee’s Hopkins Law, PLLC, Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins...
The public should not stand for more of this misconduct in the Attorney General’s office. At the least, this bar action may...
After PHH Ocwen decided not to settle with the Kaufmann Group - the lawyer group now wants in on this case, the...
Virginia lawyer Scott Lehman is facing state bar complaint he tried to get a jailed client to have a threesome with him...
A Motion for extraordinary relief, respectfully asking for answers to the pending motions before this honorable court.
Magistrate Judge Harjani did not take into account the Hot Potato Doctrine which does not protect the Goodwin Procter lawyers violations.
The Hot Potato Rule is a serious matter and Goodwin Law and their attorneys Tom Hefferon, Matt Sheldon et al should have...
All rights secured to citizens under the Constitution are worth nothing, except guaranteed to them by an independent and virtuous Judiciary.
The Delays Acknowledging and Processing our Judicial Complaint is Obvious. Judge Marra is primed to dismiss the lower court action and resign.
When the court is Judge Marra and there is a formal complaint he colluded with Sabrina Rose-Smith of Goodwin Procter, Ocwen lawyers,...
A ruling on a motion, whether entered by a single judge or a panel, is not binding upon the panel to which...
When the decisions of courts of justice are made, they must, it is true, be executed; but the power of executing them...