This case involves a forfeited entity, an 84-year-old homeowner, and another fraudulent conveyance - the ten buck deed fraud.
After watchin' Harris County District Court grant a TRO and Outlaw Tami Craft Refused to Dissolve it, the Wolves snapped n' removed...
Midfirst Bank have dumped Shelley Hopkins in favor of Nick Frame of the Wolves of Texas in recent cases, as lenders cancel...
Homeowner Jeremy Hummels case has just ended with Federal Judge Charles Eskridge dismissal with prejudice, but Filis will take the case.
US Bank employed a private investigator. Upon information and belief, Defendant Jarl Felder died on October 1, 2023.
Rosas response: Statute of limitations. More than four years has passed since an acceleration of the subject loan without foreclosure
At the end of January 2024, US District Judge Charles Eskridge Entered a Judgment of Foreclosure. Bandit Lawyer Clay Vilt Rejects that...
Bandit Dave said he was hired as a foreclosure defense lawyer to help sell the property: presumably for a suitable fee obtain...
Decedents Louis Michael Albert and Shirley M. Albert were borrowers under the loan agreement in amount of $38,400 which matures in 2026.
LIT's ON IT with ONITY as the grave robbers and foreclosure wolves of Texas try again a decade later to foreclose on...
Chasing Tiny Debts to Strip Cash Windfall from Equity in Home: The loan was for $66k and LIT suggests appx $17k remains...
Comerica Bank and PHH foreclosure: The Catholic Bandit nonsuits state case on Jan 22, 2024 and refiles in SDTX federal court on...
If you're a lawyer who doesn't mind thievin' or stealin' real estate from distressed or elderly homeowners, become a lawyer or judge...
LIT's Ongoing Investigations Expose the Legal Culprits: Unraveling the Dark Web of Mortgage Fraud and Elder Abuse in Texas Courts.
LIT founder is suing Mackie Wolf, creditor rights law firm for elder abuse by commencing a wrongful foreclosure against an 85 yr-old...
Judge XAVIER RODRIGUEZ rules in favor of PHH, despite their counsel's premature motion to dismiss, quickly asserting capacity to sue issues.
Anthony Hutchison systematically over-billed HISD and inflated bills for service. Ray L Shackelford is a close friend, associate and lawyer.
Derek Deyon, Attorney At Law is representing the Homeowners. RMF went into Bankruptcy in 2022 and Celink now assignees.