This case involves a forfeited entity, an 84-year-old homeowner, and another fraudulent conveyance - the ten buck deed fraud.
Midfirst Bank have dumped Shelley Hopkins in favor of Nick Frame of the Wolves of Texas in recent cases, as lenders cancel...
Homeowner Jeremy Hummels case has just ended with Federal Judge Charles Eskridge dismissal with prejudice, but Filis will take the case.
This case is a clear example of what LIT continuously highlights. Foreclosure mill counsel are duplicating cases and fees in foreclosures.
As the US Gov and State of Texas continue to double-down on the protection of an illegal housing theft scheme, CCTX's Pawlowski...
We performed a detailed history of this case on our micro-blog at DBNTCO.COM. This is malicious theft on a time-barred debt.
Maluski’s Erroneous Statute of Limitations Opinion Adopted by Federal Courts, Leading to the Unlawful Taking of Family Homes.
The U.S. government appears to allow unscrupulous bad actors to flip properties rather than returning them to the original homeowners.
Choudri avers that Wyatt has multiple arrests and convictions for high misdemeanors and felonies, even using the alias Jonathan Sanders.
Low Fee Lawyers: Normally in Texas there is two, and up to 5 foreclosure mill lawyers appointed to represent lenders or mortgage...
NOTICE of Change of Address by U.S. Bank Trust N.A., as Trustee of HOF Grantor Trust 4 by Mark Cronenwett on Jun...
Rosas response: Statute of limitations. More than four years has passed since an acceleration of the subject loan without foreclosure
The defaulting homeowners settle with Deutsche Bank, obtaining a free and clear home, with the $1M mortgage time barred from collection.
Deutsche Bank is filing small debt claims in Federal Court which relate to Constitutionally protected Texas laws, an abusive tactic.
There's a hive of activity for director Linda Swarzman from Encino, California related to Redfish Property Holdings in Texas.
At the end of January 2024, US District Judge Charles Eskridge Entered a Judgment of Foreclosure. Bandit Lawyer Clay Vilt Rejects that...
Consumer Protection Conundrum: Unsecured Loan Collectors Accountable to Consumer Protection Laws While Foreclosure Entities Enjoy Immunity.
Deutsche Bank's Judgment from Harris County District Court in 2017 has expired, even tolling the 7 intervening bankruptcies by Mastroperros.