Judge Clements dissent included inappropriately partisan and disrespectful attacks on other federal judges in a dissenting opinion, said the complainant.
The Burkes hold Judge Marra’s assertions to be false, untruthful and for the purposes of this judicial complaint, personal and pervasive bias...
The Fifth Circuit Stated that the Burkes' Allegations Regarding the Bias Selection Process of Judges on Foreclosure Panels was Conclusory and Insufficient...
The format of the 5th Circuit Judicial Complaints Page is Intentional. It's designed not to be searchable or provide any meta data...
The Fifth Circuit declined to broaden the exceptions to the Texas rule of attorney immunity with respect to liability to non-clients in...
Harrington stated in his misconduct complaint that it doesn’t concern the merits of the dissent, but rather the partisan tone and insults...
The Special Committee determined that the subject judge had inappropriately pursued social relationships with an attorney who practices before him and with...