And by all accounts Hugh Shannonhouse has also been facing commercial landlord-tenant disputes for non-payment of rent during the Pandemic.
Another lawsuit filed by Minerve re solo owned RE company purported to be in the Frisco or Lubbock area, but investing in...
Is this a rent-to-buy foreclosure filing scam? It may well turn out to be so, as Bandit Lawyer Clay Robert Vilt of...
This foreclosure case is another $10 fraudulent transfer and in the background lurk Kafi Inc et al, all Real Scumbags.
Harris County Judge Tanya Garrison signed the Vexatious Litigant Order. LIT has highlighted Judge Garrison's own rule of law violations.
Never Trust Anyone In The Real Estate Or Legal Profession When Your Home Is Facing Foreclosure, Especially Outlaws in Dirty Black Robes.
Cynthia Tracy, Attorney at Law, P.C. is not registered with the Texas Secretary of State, violating Section 392.101 of the Texas Finance...
And you don't have to look far to see the shady foreclosure defense lawyers involved, like Robert Clay Vilt of Vilt and...
CJMH name 4 lawyers to collect $85k, all of who work for a Law firm who is not registered and bonded to...
Texas Lawyer Berleth's misconduct mirrors a case we highlighted on LIF, the Allan Campbell Pen Series. Judge Lake's Reprimand is Offensive.
Berleth abuses his status as a lawyer to manipulate this unwitting client into giving him title to property by fraudulent inducement.
Texas lawyer Brian Wade Clark has held a Texas Bar license for over 20 years. He is unlawfully filing for garnishment in...