Alatan was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison on Aug 29, 2022, but he's appealing that order, and we assume remains...
This lawsuit raises so many questions which could have been answered with simple background checks. Delarue has blanked that duty.
16442 Sylvan Dale Dr, Humble, TX 77346 is the subject of this foreclosure proceeding removed to federal court.
After non-suiting her first removed federal case, Legall-Johnson finds herself removed again from State Court to Rusk St Courthouse.
Burleson is a Non-Destructive Tester (NDT) Inspector with Acuren, He's Hired DeLaRue as his lawyer while his property sits on
Perhaps that is why the subsidiary of Cenlar Capital Corporation continues to associate with another negative, BDF Hopkins of Texas.
LIT has reviewed all wordsmithed opinions from the Fifth Circuit's foreclosure docket since the Greatest Theft of Housing in American History.
Homeowners foreclosure defense lawyer files suit in state court which is removed to federal court by JPMorgan's creditor rights law firm.
Ankus LLC has not raised a reasonable possibility that any claim could be maintained against USAA, and USAA has been improperly joined.
Dykema Gossett submit their motion to dismiss 7 short days after removal and in contravention of the local rules and laws.
The Panel does not mention the fact that Judges HIgginbotham and Stewart were on the panel for the 2017 appeal against Wells...
Pandemic-related Mortgage Forebearance Request by Meher Wanker ends this foreclosure dispute with JPMorgan and Bayview (servicer) for now.
Foreclosure Fee Scheme 2021: That said, there does not appear to be an affidavit in support of Attorney Fees from the Lawyers...
Court records do not name the candidates that benefited from the criminal scheme but say they included two candidates for U.S. House...
What you should know about Texas Southern District Federal Court Judges. Laws in Texas provides bios, cases and opinions from these lifetime...