Coincidentally, Judge Kristen Hawkins receives this case and personally grants a pro se as an LLC a TRO which raises concerns per...
No bandit foreclosure defense lawyers present in this boomerang case as Mass is snap removed back to familiar territory.
As the theft of citizens homes continues in Texas courts, LIT is working relentlessly to protect the rights of homeowners nationwide.
Realtor Christa Burch is keeping busy in Harris County District Court spending her ill-gotten gains on legal counsel defending civil actions.
Choudri and his new counsel maintains National Bank of Kuwait has breached a settlement agreement in this latest case filed in April...
Foreclosure mill lawyers representing the German Bank are taking advantage of elderly and widowed homeowners to circumvent the law for greed.
In the lastest JPN Holdings lawsuit tells a story about how attorney Justin Nicols sees a bright future in buying homes at...
If you're a budding Bandit living in Texas and looking for a real estate Get-Rich-Quick Scam, you should subscribe to LIT's free...
Considering McCarthy Holthus is counsel for DBNTCO, it sheds new light on why SCOTUS was deliberately lyin' to citizens in re Obduskey.
LIT's ON IT with ONITY as the grave robbers and foreclosure wolves of Texas try again a decade later to foreclose on...
Dorman's case is a matter of public concern and the troubling facts in this case are being investigated by LIT directly, and...
As Ocwen Financial rebrands, it faces heavy criticism for its role in the most egregious abuses of home ownership rights in American...
Peeling Back the Layers: Tami Taha's Foreclosure Fraud and Legal Collusion Exposed by LIT's Investigation firmly points to Judicial Deception.
Former Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett authors a published opinion, taking issue with a prior panel, including Chief Judge Owen-Hecht.
Whilst there is a mirror case ongoing, the Same Harris County Court Issues a TRO in April 2024 to Bandit Lawyer Erick...
The Clerks at the Southern District Federal Court in Houston willfully and intentionally fail to file Adversary Proceedings on date received.
Luna's real estate lawyers have filed a motion to withdraw as they don't do federal defense of foreclosures but nearly all are...
After an Order of Expedited Foreclosure in January, the Same Harris County Court Issues a TRO in March 2024 to Bandit Lawyer...