In April, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a package of new laws designed to keep families in their homes. As part of that legislation,...
We're tracking this legal malpractice case at the Fifth Circuit COA in Dallas (State Court) about a botched $62m commercial foreclosure shortly...
MERS, as nominee for Realty Mortgage Corporation, assigned the Deed of Trust to US Bank, as trustee for Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan...
A 5-part video explaining how a mortgage is securitized and why this confirms How Banks Steal Homeowners Homesteads.
Property rental incomes and valuations have remained noticeably static on Judge Patrick Higginbothams' Financial Disclosures for the past 13+ years despite the...
A South Caroline HOA foreclosed on a homeowner for a $250 debt and purchased the home for $3,000 at foreclosure. The SC...
Judge Rosenthal: This mortgage-foreclosure case is unusual because it begins with a foreclosure rather than ending with one. And it is the...
A review of partisan and politically corrupted Judge Don R. Willett of the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and data...
Historical Facts: Arson-related charges against a former Texas Supreme Court Justice David Medina were dropped, even though a grand jury indicted him,...
DALLAS, TEXAS: Attorney Tom Finley has financial woes. He and his wife were evicted from another Dallas home in 2016. Now he's...
Foreclosure activity is down nationwide from a year ago, but certain local housing markets tell a different story.
This violated the FDCPA’s prohibition against using false, deceptive, or misleading representation[s] including by making false representations about the character, amount, or...
A Crisis; Medical Debt in the USA: In the past year, the weight of their financial crisis and his serious chronic medical...
Seriously, this guy is teaching our next legal generation(s). Stephen L. Carter of Yale. Well, he does tell the law students They...
The CFPB alleges that the Mortgage Law Group (TMLG) and Consumer First Legal Group (CFLG) took in over $19.2 million in fees...
This is unjust and it is unconstitutional. The government can take the property and sell it, but it can only keep what...
Ocwen paid Erbey a $500,000 salary and a $1.4 million incentive last year, but his real wealth lies in his large stakes...
Under federal banking regulations, there is a two-year limit on banks maintaining possession of a foreclosed property. The rules stipulate that banks...