ORDERED that all claims and defenses asserted, or could have been asserted, by Ankus against PHH are DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE (May 31,...
The custom home builder and mortgage lender then flipped it to a mortgage broker and his wife to make their homestead for...
Discover how LIT sheds light on the inconsistent and questionable application of Texas laws concerning homes secured by predatory loans.
At a current market value of nearly one and a half million dollars, investment advisor Stokey's homestead is facing foreclosure.
Ocwen PHH's egregious act was to use HAMP to POSTPONE foreclosures and add big balloon payments, NOT to help homeowners keep their...
TDCA section 392.101 requires 3rd-party debt collectors to obtain a surety bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in...
J. Antonio Caballero was sentenced to 2 years in federal prison and $997k in restitution for mortgage fraud crimes in Texas.
It's Bobby and Shelley back for U.S. Bank in this foreclosure case, Mark Hopkins is AWOL and Matt Graham is off doing...
CitiMortgage offered no reason why favoring the monthly deadlines and ignoring the grace period would do the least damage to the text...
Ferrell v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has Mackie Wolf and Dykema Foreclosure Mills assigned, but we're still lookin' for Mark D. Hopkins.
Will this Lawsuit be a Touchdown for Harter on Behalf of his French Crook and Carla Crook? Apparently Not.
Russell Cox of Melissa Texas Filed in State Court against First United Bank & Trust Company. BDF Hopkins Snap Removed.
Armed with seasoned foreclosure defense lawyer Ken Harter, we'll be watchin' this case. Can Harter recover from his Texas Supreme Court loss?
Another Removal by foreclosure mill Mackie Wolf, despite 5th Cir. directives, and Another premature Motion to Dismiss
BDF and Hopkins are one and the same, debt collectors. Opposing counsel worked in the foreclosure department as a lawyer at BDF...