LIT compares Bonded Debt Collector and Dallas solo Law Firm of Jack M. Kuykendall with Rogue Debt Collection Law Firm Scheef and...
After the 'bench retirement' of Judge David Evans, this zoom conference is now being held in another court, the 192nd in Texas.
Harriet Nicholson v. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC; Nicholson's complaint allegations mirrored the case CFPB pursued against Nationstar.
Motion to Set Aside Judge Evans Order, ordering no further pleadings or motions. Court has plenary power and due process dictates otherwise.
The court having considered the requests has decided that all items should be set for written submission. If after written submission the...
On April 19, 2021, the Second Court of Appeals signed an "Abatement Order" requesting the trial court to clarify whether it intended its...
McGlinchey Stafford request that Mr. Troiano be removed from the Courts E-File system and no longer receive electronic notice of any filings.
Motion to Recuse in Texas Courts: Remember, as Justice Frankfurter indicated, litigants are not helpless before usurping courts.
Tune in to see if Judge Kimberly Fitzpatrick will sanction banks' attorney for fabricating evidence to support its motion for summary judgment....
The bank foreclosed on this Texas homeowner and was granted judgment of possession in the eviction case post-foreclosure, but then rescinded.