Consumer Protection Conundrum: Unsecured Loan Collectors Accountable to Consumer Protection Laws While Foreclosure Entities Enjoy Immunity.
Foreclosure mill lawyers representing the German Bank are taking advantage of elderly and widowed homeowners to circumvent the law for greed.
Deutsche Bank's Judgment from Harris County District Court in 2017 has expired, even tolling the 7 intervening bankruptcies by Mastroperros.
Forum Shopping aka Judge Shopping is a disease in Texas courts says Congress, demanding this form of case assignment be outlawed.
Considering McCarthy Holthus is counsel for DBNTCO, it sheds new light on why SCOTUS was deliberately lyin' to citizens in re Obduskey.
LIT's ON IT with ONITY as the grave robbers and foreclosure wolves of Texas try again a decade later to foreclose on...
Deutsche Bank files for expedited foreclosure as trustee in lawsuit filed in Harris County District Court with SPS affidavit in support.
In our new series, LIT's ON IT with ONITY - pronounced ON-IT-EE according to Ocwen Financial's press release on behalf of Deutsche...
Dorman's case is a matter of public concern and the troubling facts in this case are being investigated by LIT directly, and...
The Clerks at the Southern District Federal Court in Houston willfully and intentionally fail to file Adversary Proceedings on date received.
The Constance case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
Austin lawyer Mark Hopkins and his spouse, former BDF foreclosure mill lawyer Shelley Hopkins, commit more deception, sanctioned by PHH.
LIT analyzed prior Bid reports as a comparison and homes which had a bid amount were sold at the auction. LIT also...
Local Rule 3.3.3 has not been adopted by rogue judge(s) and as such, they are acting beyond their judicial capacities by policymaking.
Since Nov. 2023, US/TX gov. has intercepted the legal filings sent by 85-year old Joanna Burke, and refused to file time-sensitive pleadings.
Dorman's case verifies LIT's assertion of gov. interference and conspiracy to corruptly and unlawfully target LIT's founder and his family.
Since Nov. 2023, US/TX gov. has intercepted the legal filings sent by 85-year old Joanna Burke, and refused to file time-sensitive pleadings.
Chasing Tiny Debts to Strip Cash Windfall from Equity in Home: The loan was for $66k and LIT suggests appx $17k remains...