Homeowner Jeremy Hummels case has just ended with Federal Judge Charles Eskridge dismissal with prejudice, but Filis will take the case.
Medearis appeared and presented a general denial in Taylor I on Oct. 5, 2022 but failed to defend thereafter resulting in a...
LIT's ON IT with ONITY as the grave robbers and foreclosure wolves of Texas try again a decade later to foreclose on...
He fails to mention borrower and HCA Healthcare Doctor Shelley L Richter aka Shelly Leeds-Richter in Petition and Exhibits in court filings.
10515 ADAMSBOROUGH DR HOUSTON TX 77099 is subject to foreclosure but after accepting gig to represent homeowner, he bails shortly thereafter.
12914 Blue Haven Rd, Houston, TX 77039
Williams has owned the home since 1988. His wife has dementia, cancer and living in a nursing facility. JPM and BDF claim...