The timing of the release of this 5th Circuit erie pub. opinion does not go unnoticed, as the federal court in SDTX...
The district court, in adopting the magistrate judge's recommendation, erred in dismissing Sharnez's § 1981, § 1982, and Title II claims.
SCOTUS: We interpret actual fraud to encompass fraudulent conveyance schemes, even when those schemes do not involve a false representation.
The bankruptcy court levied substantial financial penalties on PHH to convey a message that they must not violate court orders repeatedly.
PPP liar loans under the microscope at the Fifth Circuit, a court which has blanked the largest liar loans in American History...
In the interest of justice, widower and elder victim of financial and judicial fraudulence seeks 30 day extn of time to file...
It is hard to discern from the response as to whether this is a begging letter to the Court of Appeals for...
In the interest of justice, widower and elder victim of financial and judicial fraudulence seeks 90 day extn of time to file...
In the interest of justice, widower and elder victim of financial and judicial fraudulence seeks transfer of appeal to the 8th Cir.
The bankruptcy court found Shellpoint in contempt and awarded $116k in sanctions. Wall Street Judge Terrence W. Boyle reversed.
Meet current and past Judicial Law Clerks at United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for Do's and Dont's.
Karen Hammer sanctioned for dishonesty. She is currently the Co-Secretary of the Colorado Bar Association’s Ethics Committee per her website.
A Superior Judge who was charged with examining Judge DiLeo’s conduct overturned the defendant’s conviction and used the term, perversion of justice...
Judge Hughes routinely denies plaintiffs Constitutional due process under the 14th Amendment and the right to a civil jury trial under the...