Perhaps that is why the subsidiary of Cenlar Capital Corporation continues to associate with another negative, BDF Hopkins of Texas.
Where is Mark Hopkins in 2022? And Why is Shelley Hopkins Using Of Counsel When the Fact is Hopkins Law is an...
The last entry on the docket was filed July 5, 2021. There has been no movement as confirmed by downloading docket today...
We've had a switch of Federal Judge early in this case and we've got a decimated foreclosure mill with 2 staff attorneys...
Where-ever Texas Creditor Rights Crystal Gibson goes, her former boss at BDF, Shelley Hopkins is bound to be there too.
Both Judges’ clerks are well-trained on what is or isn’t a substantive matter and will refuse to communicate in an ex-parte manner...
BDF and Hopkins are one and the same, debt collectors. Opposing counsel worked in the foreclosure department as a lawyer at BDF...
Crystal Gibson of BDF requests the Court stay deadlines, docket call and bench trial pending a ruling on Cenlar’s Motion for Summary...
LIT's now following Debra Innocenti-Placette as she returns to Federal Court armed with a new foreclosure defense attorney.
After the 'bench retirement' of Judge David Evans, this zoom conference is now being held in another court, the 192nd in Texas.
What is interesting about this case is BDF Hopkins lack of vitriol in their cross-complaint against these 8 year defaulting homeowners.
Appellant prays this Court vacate the void judgments for lack of subject matter jurisdiction in the interest of justice and due process.
Crystal Gibson of BDF requests the Court stay deadlines, docket call and bench trial pending a ruling on Cenlar’s Motion for Summary...
Pro se Harriet Nicholson's Drop Mic Moment in Texas Federal Court.
Harriet Nicholson v. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC; Nicholson's complaint allegations mirrored the case CFPB pursued against Nationstar.
Shelley Luan Hopkins adds herself to Judge Al Bennett's foreclosure case and then submits her summary judgment with attorney fees request.
A Federal Lawsuit for Declaratory Judgment to decide if the Texas 2COA had jurisdiction to review non-appealable interlocutory orders.
Motion to Set Aside Judge Evans Order, ordering no further pleadings or motions. Court has plenary power and due process dictates otherwise.