While the Court finds no binding precedent on point, it finds multiple decisions from within the Fifth Circuit to be particularly persuasive.
10611 TARRINGTON DR HOUSTON TX 77024-3113 is valued at $2.7 million dollars per Zillow. He's also associated with a $520k Pearland property.
Bandit lawyer and his client G Rodney Turner make no mention of the $65k abstract of judgment filed in Harris County real...
Doug Aguilar was the broker for the Estate using the moniker Property Solutions of Texas c/o a known virtual office Woodlands address.
Harris County Community Development LLC is twenty-four years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.
The first foreclosure: 6610 Tierwester St Houston Texas, and the latest foreclosure is for 3207 Alabama St Houston Texas.
Carrie McEachern Gore has been a resident of North Carolina for the last 2 years. Texas home at risk: 27314 Farmcreek Dr...
1632 Potomac Dr Houston, TX 77057
Ancillary Judge Payne ain’t interested in the facts, just a quick disposal granting the legal bandit and his bankrupt client a $500...
Bandit lawyer James Minerve has an offer waitin' to buy this home in 10 days or less after obtainin' the TRO -...
LIT's Continuous Monitoring Uncovers the Fall of the TRO $100 Cash Bond Which Will No Longer be Universally Adopted.
Bonner Files for Quiet Title After Harris County Snap Removal.
Riston is represented by foreclosure defense counsel in this matter and not one of the usual suspects, who secured a TRO in...
Temporary restraining order granted for a cash sum of $250 at 0930 hrs on Tuesday morning re 11831 Bee Ln Houston TX...
Another lawsuit filed by Svetlana Pestova which has been referred to mediation. This property has ties to the Rachel Gallegos article on...
The tax delinquency lawsuit started first, later adding a complaint against Cadence Bank which triggered the non-judicial foreclosure.
Harris County’s Legal Circus: Why Bandit Lawyer James Minerve and Indicted Wayne Franks Are Receiving VIP Treatment in the Courtroom.
Whether a commercial property subject to millions of dollars or loans, or if its a starter condo: $100 cash bond was set...