This motion revolves around the Magna Carta and the Constitution, which has been brutally slighted by Judge Patrick E. Higginbotham and the...
AG Bill Barr; More recently, the Dodd-Frank Act’s creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Branch, a single-headed independent agency that functions like...
On Monday, 28th October, the Fifth Circuit Denied the Homeowners Motion to Stay care of an order by single Judge Patrick (no...
This atextual, ahistorical doctrine - which shields public officials from liability, even when they break the law - was essentially invented out...
Due to the creditors’ lack of success in their attempts to foreclose, the litigation has spanned many years, thus increasing the amount...
Even if he’s successful and beats back every one of the adjustments, the judge would still land in Zone D, level 14,...
More than 100 Jewish attorneys and four religious organizations have filed an amicus brief siding with a death-row inmate who’s seeking a...
ISIS fanatic Khan admitted in his plea that he’d told Garcia via Facebook that he wanted to join ISIS. A few weeks...
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan partner Charles Eskridge III, nominated for the Texas federal trial bench, reported earning more than $5 million...
Courts have long recognized an inherent authority to disbar attorneys. When acting under an inherent power to disbar an attorney, a district court...
The Dallas court of appeals decides thousands of cases, and it essentially has the last word on Texas law. Lawyers spend a...
Three of the Plaintiffs were not Decision-Makers or Policy-Makers and the Fifth Circuit has Allowed their Complaint to Proceed, despite the objections...
All in all, the Trump judicial appointment machinery has been vigorous, especially as to the number of circuit judges appointed to date....
Courts have long recognized an inherent authority to disbar attorneys. When acting under an inherent power to disbar an attorney, a district court...
Texas Chief Justice Nathan Hechts' ethics case, which went on for over 8 years was eventually overturned in favor of Hecht. Now...
Thanks to Judge Jim Ho, @JusticeWillett, and moderator Connie Pfeiffer for a great presentation at our monthly section meeting! Today was also...
Among other things, it said the judge stopped being an impartial fact finder and started acting as an advocate for terminating the...
This is in stark contrast to when the Burkes’ reached out to the Court Reporter via email regarding filing the DKT13 again...