LIT's sat back and watched as DHI's cases are all slowly removed to federal court, but DHI forfeited the right to transact...
After watchin' Harris County District Court grant a TRO and Outlaw Tami Craft Refused to Dissolve it, the Wolves snapped n' removed...
LIT's Real Scumbag Series: The fraud on the court involving Larry Preston's sons and a legal bandit, Texas lawyer Erick Delarue.
The Bob's home since 2006 is now owned by IXIS REAL ESTATE CAPITAL TRUST 1661 WORTHINGTON RD STE 100 WEST PALM BEACH...
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
DHI Holdings Seeks to Stop 3 More Foreclosures in One Petition in Harris County District Court
Behind Closed Doors: The Coordinated Efforts of Legal Bandits and Complicit Courts to Deprive Homeowners of Their Rights and Property.
LIT's investigation reveals that Brandon Dutch Mendenhall and DHI Holdings LP are facing mounting financial obstacles.
Riston is represented by foreclosure defense counsel in this matter and not one of the usual suspects, who secured a TRO in...
Wells Fargo filed for an expedited foreclosure in July. The default hearing is set for Oct. 15, 2024. Delarue commenced new proceedings.
Jan. 2024: The judges of Harris County District Courts appointed Sharon Chu Criminal Law Hearing Officer. In federal court, this happened.
As we've learned during our investigations, non-disclosure, perjury and falsifying statements is mandatory and excusable in Texas courts.
Producers in the bond business, like Muharib, enjoy the benefit of keeping the majority of the premium paid on each bond written.
Low Fee Lawyers: Normally in Texas there is two, and up to 5 foreclosure mill lawyers appointed to represent lenders or mortgage...
Hilbert Arvie was a borrower under a loan agreement who died on or about April 11, 2022. Bernice Atkins is a borrower...
The case is UMB Bank versus The Lane Family and since the judgment was granted by Judge Werlein, Jr., no foreclosure has...