Deutsche Bank

Steven Mnuchin Is Milking His Government Benefits to the Bitter End

Lodging for the Secret Service during Mnuchin’s April 2021 jaunt to Doha cost taxpayers more than $30,000, according to federal data.

Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who is estimated to have a net worth of at least $400 million, is extracting every last drop of federal largesse he’s entitled to before it runs out in July.

A federal spending disclosure filed to an official database reveals a $28,903 charge listed as: “LODGING FOR USSS SUPPORT FOR FORMER SECTRES. MNUCHIN JUN2021.”

The payment, made to Al-Rov Luxury Hotels Ltd. in Jerusalem and dated June 9, 2021, comes just weeks before Mnuchin’s full-time, taxpayer-funded Secret Service protection is scheduled to end.

In an extremely unusual move before leaving office, former President Donald Trump granted an extra six months of protection beyond the end of his term to 13 family members at least three Trump appointees: ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, ex-National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, and Mnuchin.

Lodging for the Secret Service during Mnuchin’s April 2021 jaunt to Doha cost taxpayers more than $30,000, according to federal data—more than double the $13,000 it cost for taxpayers to pick up lodging costs for agents protecting ex-presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner during a trip to Abu Dhabi the following month.

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Steven Mnuchin Is Milking His Government Benefits to the Bitter End
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