Appellate Circuit

Rather than Resign for the “ClerkGate” Corruption Scandal, Fifth Circuit Chief Judge Owen Deflects Blame

Judge Priscilla R. Owen shunts the blame onto 66 year old Circuit Executive Theodore “Ted” Cominos for the ClerkGate Corruption Scandal.

Circuit Executive Ted Cominos Takes the Fall as Fifth Circuit Start Recruitment Drive for His Replacement on August 6, 2021.

This vacancy is posted on the Fifth Circuit website less than 48 hrs after the void judgment dismissing the Burkes appeal was published (Aug. 4, 2021). Instead of resigning, Chief Judge Priscilla Owen has clearly diverted the blame to 66 year old Circuit Executive Theodore Cominos for the “ClerkGate” corruption scandal. If only life was that simple.

The Chief Judge should resign immediately.  The corrupt acts fall squarely at the Chief’s desk.

AUG 06, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: AUG 11, 2021

The Fifth Circuit “ClerkGate” Corruption Scandal – Not Even Karl Rove Can Dig Owen Outta This One…


The Circuit Executive is appointed by the Judicial Council of the Fifth Circuit pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 332(e).

The Circuit Executive exercises administrative powers and performs duties delegated by the Council, under the general supervision of the Chief Judge.

Representative duties include:

• Provides full staff support and policy development to all activities of the Council and its Committees, including preparing the Council’s meeting agenda and minutes.

• Administers and coordinates all non-judicial activities of the Court of Appeals, including human resources, property control, special events and projects, security, budget and finance, judges’ furniture and furnishings, training, meeting arrangements, and emergency preparedness.

• Plans and executes all facets of the Judicial Conference of the Fifth Circuit.

• Conducts studies relating to the business of the courts within the circuit and prepares findings for the Council, the Chief Judge, and other parties.

• Manages the Judiciary’s circuit-wide space and facilities program in a three-state area including providing accommodations, architectural services, space planning, and interior design services, working closely with the General Services Administration.

• Directs the information technology program and resources of the Court of Appeals and provides staff support circuit-wide in the courts’ wide area network.

• Performs other duties assigned by the Council as outlined at 28 U.S.C. § 332(e).

Consult for an itemized listing of the office’s responsibilities.

Qualifications Applicants must possess a minimum of 10 years progressively responsible administrative experience in public service or business which provided a thorough understanding of organizational, procedural, and human aspects in managing an organization.

At least five years’ experience must have been in a position of substantial management responsibility.

• Undergraduate degree from a college or university of recognized standing.

• Graduate degree in administration, law, or other applicable field strongly preferred.

• Training or senior-level experience in administration.
• Substantial experience in court administration, preferably at the federal level.

• Understanding of the infrastructure, organization, and system of governance in the federal court system.

• Knowledge of information technology networks and their application in a decentralized court environment.

• Strong analytical and statistical skills.

• Polished written and oral communication skills; strong interpersonal skills.

• Creativity and initiative.

• Ability to undertake recurring overnight travel.

• Commitment to the betterment of judicial administration in times of fiscal restraint.

Salary Level IV, Executive Schedule, adjusted for locality, not to exceed the salary of a U.S. District Judge, presently $200,014 per annum.

Conditions of U.S. citizenship required, or must meet requirements under current law. Positions with Employment the U.S. Courts are excepted service appointments, or “at will,” and the Circuit Executive serves at the pleasure of the Judicial Council. The initial appointment is provisional and contingent upon satisfactory completion of a background investigation. Direct deposit of pay required.


Although not civil service employees, federal court employees share in most of the federal fringe benefit programs, including paid leave, holidays, health insurance, life insurance, federal retirement, long-term care insurance, vision and dental insurance, and the Thrift Savings Plan (similar to a 401K plan).

Relocation reimbursement may be available in some instances.

Apply to

Submit resume and salary history in confidence to:

Circuit Executive Search Committee
c/o Mr. Theodore P. Cominos, Circuit Executive
U.S. Courts, Fifth Judicial Circuit
600 Camp Street, Room 100
New Orleans, LA 70130

Application Deadline

Applications must be received by September 17, 2021. The Chief Judge will appoint a search committee composed of federal judges from the three-state circuit to review resumes, conduct interviews, and recommend finalist candidate(s) to the Judicial Council which makes the selection.

The incumbent Circuit Executive will retire December 31, 2021. The Council anticipates the new Circuit Executive will enter on duty on or about January 1, 2022 and may overlap briefly with the incumbent.

Fifth Circuit Profile

The Fifth Circuit is composed of the Court of Appeals, headquartered in New Orleans, and nine judicial districts in the states of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

With approximately 220 judges and more than 3,000 judicial support staff, the Fifth Circuit represents the second largest circuit (both in case filings and authorized personnel) in the federal system.

The Circuit Executive’s office, created by statute in 1971, has 30 encumbered staffing positions.

The Fifth Circuit is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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BDF Hopkins Response Deemed Legally Incompetent by Burke in Reply in Support of Rule 59(e) Motion

If the law and Const. is applied correctly by an impartial judiciary who follow the rule of law it should have no difficulty vacating judgment

The Bounty Hunters, BDF Hopkins Response to Rule 59(e) Motion Re Burke

Burke v PHH Ocwen, Hopkins Law, PLLC, Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins before Bent Judge Al Bennett, SDTX, Houston.

Rather than Resign for the “ClerkGate” Corruption Scandal, Fifth Circuit Chief Judge Owen Deflects Blame
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