LIT suggests the cost barriers for civil litigants in courts today are not just limited to low-income households. The fact is that lawyer hourly billing rates are generally 6x or so that of the average income earner.
For example, $100k annual salary seems comfortable right, but that averages out to $48.08 per hr. The average billing rate for a lower range lawyer is about $250 per hr and a paralegal or associate about $125 per hr so meld them together and for a small legal team to represent you is already going to have you empty your savings or 401k to pay the fees if the litigation goes on for a period of time, which is commonplace. If your case is more complex, then law firms will want to add more lawyers onto the case or a partner to oversee, and generally their rates at the low end would easily be $650 plus per hr.
So the issue is not only about low income, it’s about lawyers billing rates and setting rates or providing fixed fee solutions that litigants can afford.
For example, Goodwin Procter — a firm that came in at No. 23 on the latest Am Law 100 ranking, generated $1,486,263,000 gross revenue in 2020. That’s right nearly $1.5 Billion dollars.
Courts should not be restricted to those with deep pockets or corporations, access to justice should not be a premium service, but that is exactly how it is today.
Biden takes executive action to boost legal services for low-income Americans
MAY 18, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: MAY 19, 2021
Washington — President Biden took executive action Tuesday to boost access to legal services and the legal system for low-income Americans after government-led initiatives largely went dormant during the Trump administration.
Mr. Biden’s presidential memorandum is the latest step taken by his administration to advance racial equity and joins his requested $1.5 billion for grants to bolster state and local criminal justice systems, including for public defenders. His action also comes nearly a year after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which sparked protests against racial injustice and federal efforts to reform policing.
“The federal government has a critical role to play in expanding access to the nation’s legal system and supporting the work of civil legal aid providers and public defenders,” the White House said in a fact sheet detailing the memorandum.
“President Biden’s executive action today will reinvigorate the federal government’s role in advancing access to justice, and help ensure that the Administration’s policies and recovery efforts can reach as many individuals as possible.”
Through his executive action, Mr. Biden directed Attorney General Merrick Garland to submit a plan within 120 days to expand the Justice Department’s work on access to justice. While the Justice Department under the Obama administration opened the Office for Access to Justice in 2010 to expand and improve access to lawyers and legal assistance.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions effectively shut down the office in 2018.
Garland is expected to issue his own memorandum Tuesday indicating the Justice Department’s efforts to increase access to legal resources will begin immediately.
Mr. Biden’s memorandum also re-establishes the White House Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable, which was launched in 2012 and formally established in 2015 by then-President Barack Obama. The roundtable is designed to raise awareness across the federal government of how civil legal aid advances federal objectives and improve access to justice.
Among the legal challenges the roundtable is set to address are those posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the White House said.
The pandemic “has further exposed and exacerbated inequities in our justice system, as courts and legal service providers have been forced to curtail in-person operations, often without the resources or technology to offer remote-access or other safe alternatives,” the memorandum states.
“These access limitations have compounded the effects of other harms wrought by the pandemic. These problems have touched the lives of many persons in this country, particularly low-income people and people of color.”
Since Mr. Biden took office, his administration has leveraged the authority of the federal government to advance criminal justice initiatives and address racial inequity.
The Justice Department opened civil investigations into the Minneapolis and Louisville Metro Police Departments following the deaths of Floyd and Breonna Taylor, respectively, by law enforcement.
Four former Minneapolis police officers were also indicted on federal civil rights charges for their role in Floyd’s death, while three Georgia men were charged with federal hate crimes for the 2020 killing of Ahmaud Arbery.
In 2012, more than a dozen federal agencies came together under the leadership of the White House Domestic Policy Council and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to launch the Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable (LAIR). The purpose was to raise federal agencies’ awareness of how civil legal aid can help advance a wide range of federal objectives including employment, family stability, housing, consumer protection, and public safety. With support from DOJ’s Office for Access to Justice (ATJ), which staffs LAIR, participating agencies have worked with civil legal aid partners, including non-profit organizations, law schools, and the private bar, to (1) leverage resources to strengthen Federal programs by incorporating legal aid, (2) develop policy recommendations that improve access to justice, (3) facilitate strategic partnerships to achieve enforcement and outreach objectives, and (4) advance evidence-based research, data collection, and analysis.
LAIR was formally established in a 2015 Presidential Memorandum, and its list of federal partners has grown to include 22 agencies. LAIR’s activities are supported by two working groups: (i) Working Group on Self-Represented Parties in Administrative Hearings, led by ATJ and the Administrative Conference of the United States, and (ii) Working Group on Access to Justice Indicators and Data Collection, led by ATJ and DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. In November 2016, LAIR issued its first annual report, which documents how LAIR has worked over the past few years to inspire innovative interagency collaborations to more effectively support underserved individuals.
LAIR Blogs
Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable Meets to Discuss Legal Services for Human Trafficking Victims, February 21, 2020
Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable (LAIR) Meets on Elder Justice, April 2, 2019
WH-LAIR Designated Co-Chairs Announce First Annual Report to the President, November 29, 2016
The White House Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable and Goal 16 – One Year On, September 21, 2016
Lawyers & Libraries: A Natural Fit, April 29, 2016
United States Announces 45 New Open Government Initiatives, October 28, 2015
Establishing the White House Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable, September 28, 2015
Civil Legal Aid Research, June 3, 2015
Civil Legal Aid Research, May 20, 2015