
Per Standard Practice the US Supreme Court Denies 4 More Foreclosure Related Petitions in this Weeks’ Order (June 3, 2019)

Per Standard Practice the US Supreme Court Denies 4 More Foreclosure Related Petitions in this Weeks’ Order (June 3, 2019) and involves yet another Deutsche Bank case (pet. denied)

The Suntrust case below also involves DEUTSCHE BANK as a party. The Petitioner, pro se, was seeking a review based on a Constitutional question regarding Judge appointment. The US Supreme Court Denied the Petition.


  1. Whether the appellate court erred in affirming the lower court’s Summary Judgment made void by Respondents’ documented violation of TILA, their default and tacit agreement not to protest enforcement, all of which denied Respondents standing.
  2. Whether the appellate court erred in affirming the lower court’s void Summary Judgment as it was based on the uninformed, frivolous opinions of its magistrate, absent any fact or law in support and was in conflict with this Court’s unanimous decision in Jenoski v. Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.
  3. Whether the appellate court erred in affirming the lower court’s void Summary Judgment as it was garnered by Respondents’ perpetration of fraud on the court and misprision by the presiding judge and magistrate.
  4. Whether appellate judges Gilman, Donald and Hood committed misprision of fraud by ignoring the barratry and acts of concealment/obfuscation, on the record by the lower court.
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