Mnuchin Bankrolls Third Wife’s Movie on the Funds from Millions of Illegally Evicted Homeowners During His IndyMac Reign.

Donald Trump’s former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife Louise Linton is making her directorial debut on the back of illegal foreclosure funds, and her upcoming film only highlights how truly disconnected from the world she is.


Steve Mnuchin’s Marriages

From 1992 to 1999, Mnuchin was married to Kathryn Leigh McCarver.

In 1999, Mnuchin married Heather deForest Crosby and they had three children together.

Heather Mnuchin was active in philanthropy and AZIAM yoga.

After he bought IndyMac, Mnuchin moved to a 21,000-square-foot (2,000 m2), $26.5 million house in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California, because the company’s headquarters was in Pasadena.They divorced in 2014.

Mnuchin married actress Louise Linton on June 24, 2017 Vice President Mike Pence presided over the ceremony.

Steve Mnuchin’s Wife Louise Linton Is Coming Out With What Might Be the Most Tone-Deaf Movie of the Year

JAN 30, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: JAN 31, 2021

Donald Trump’s former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife Louise Linton is making her directorial debut, and her upcoming film only highlights how truly disconnected from the world she is. Linton wrote, directed, produced, and starred in the new film Me You Madness and plays opposite of Gossip Girl’s Ed Westwick.

Her character in the film, Catherine Black is a “materialistic, narcissistic, self-absorbed misanthrope” hedge fund manager — at least, that’s how Linton describes her.

The trailer for Me You Madness was shared this week in the midst of, well, the madness that ensued at Wall Street; which was perfect timing to make an extremely tone-deaf entrance in Hollywood.

“My name is Catherine Black. You may think that I’m a materialistic, narcissistic, self-absorbed misanthrope. I don’t deny it. I’m a hedge fund manager. I’m addicted to fashion, the accumulation of money, exercise, and sex. My life is incredible,”

Linton says at the start of the trailer.

Her husband, a former hedge fund manager himself, told The New York Times,

“I watched Louise create this film from first draft to final edit. I’m proud of her drive, tenacity, and spirit. The movie is highly entertaining and very good fun.”

Prior to his time in the Trump administration, he worked as a Goldman Sachs banker and Hollywood film producer.

During Linton’s time in Washington, she landed herself in hot water after she posted a photo on Instagram showing her leaving a government plane with Mnuchin and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Per Vanity Fair, her post included hashtags that showed off her seemingly lavish lifestyle, “#hermes, #valentino, #roulandmouret, #tomfordsunnies.”

The New York Times reporter, who has already seen the film, described it as a “sort of cinematic middle finger to the haters.”

“There will be people who love it and people who hate it,” Linton told the outlet. “But I don’t care what people say. I’m proud of my little film. It’s a potpourri of silliness.”

Predatory Lending: If Your Foreclosure Involves BDF Law Group, aka Barrett Daffin and Hopkins Law

When you reach ‘discovery’, Requests for Admissions (RFA’s) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.

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Mnuchin Bankrolls Third Wife’s Movie on the Funds from Millions of Illegally Evicted Homeowners During His IndyMac Reign.
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