As Houston lawyer Goodrum Steps In for Hall, he asks who brokered Vilt's dismissal of the lawsuit? It certainly wasn't Hall, it...
District Judge Xavier Rodriguez cites to Binh Hoa Le v. Exeter Fin. Corp., (5th Cir. 2021) and on appeal, precedent should apply....
Donald and Angela Stefanski are facing foreclosure on one of their properties, the question is, are they in a rent-to-own sale right...
The takeaway in this case is not the $25M Scam, but the fact how quickly Judge Lake at SD Houston violated the...
Mark responds to Erick with comments in red. If Erick wants to have a conversation, he can add his responses in the...
It's quite ridiculous what lawyers are taking liberties with, purely from a legal standpoint, and getting away with it. Try that as...
Homeowner Keith A Ferguson claims his main residence is Bedford Glen Dr., so who's livin' at the Kingsbury St residence in Houston?
And by all accounts Hugh Shannonhouse has also been facing commercial landlord-tenant disputes for non-payment of rent during the Pandemic.
Another lawsuit filed by Minerve re solo owned RE company purported to be in the Frisco or Lubbock area, but investing in...
Who is paying Texas lawyer James Minerve's fees for this baseless and frivolous filing to stop foreclosure in Harris County District Court?
328 Innsdale Dr is a property in HOUSTON, TX 77076 owned by the Villalobos family since 2001 per Harris CAD.
Congress continues to fail homeowners and citizens post 2008, when Wall St stole all affordable homes and prices have soared.
Mandy Kelley's husband or perhaps estranged husband is not mentioned as a party and Mandy's living in a new address.
Disclaimer: Must be willing and able to indict lawyers, federal and state judges, Texas AG, and citizens who are operating foreclosure scams.
Christian Consultants of Texas is owned by Kevin Pawlowski, an insurance broker. This latest lawsuit is related to another case on LIT.
It's tell a story time by DeLaRue, who submits the complaint without any supporting docs and the story timeline conflicts with public...
It's a double whammy for the Saulney's as they are currently facing a foreclosure sale by their HOA as well, based on...
This lawsuit confirms the absolute disarray of the foreclosure vertical post 2008. Twelve past attempts to foreclosure on this homeowner.