The CFPB filed a proposed court order requiring Ocwen Financial Corporation to provide $2 billion in principal reduction to underwater borrowers. CFPB,...
After the war, Allied authorities determined that Deutsche Bank had not only actively supported the Nazi regime but had also maintained close...
According to one former Justice Department official, in 1991, when Attorney General William Barr first led the Justice Department, the government only...
Federal investigators further concluded that the city’s obsession with collecting revenue through fines and fees compromised the institutional character of Ferguson’s police...
The misconduct probes of all 11 judges began in February 2018, when copies of memos and notes showed that for a full...
The court’s opinion doesn’t seem to reflect or take note that the trial court’s order had allotted for redacting any attorney-client privileged...
Houston Lawyer Ronny Krist Charged for Slapping Plaintiff's Attorney Before Deposition. A lawyer for Ronny Krist said the 83-year-old deservedly slapped the...
In June 2016, Chatman and Woody moved for sanctions alleging the Hyber letter was fraudulent and was submitted to delay trial and...
The costs for writing a petition often can range from $150,000 to $200,000, according to one top firm with a Supreme Court...
Illegally Locked Out of Her Home for 94 days, Stalked and a Gun Pointed at their Person, this Homeowner was Brutally Treated...
Stare decisis cannot justify adherence to an approach that Supreme Court precedent forecloses. Accordingly, we overrule Amy Travel. The decision by the...
William Sessions sons are alleged to want him to divorce from his wife of 65 plus years, Alice Sessions - as Lewis...
Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, said Ogg’s actions were cause for serious concern. - Rather than work collaboratively...
The US military is conducting wide area surveillance tests across six midwest states using experimental high-altitude balloons, documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission...
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott retweeted a photograph of a car crash and implied that a homeless person caused it by running into...
Indeed, Judge Ho and Judge Oldham conclude this section of the opinion by saying: If we’re not going to do it right,...
The $16m settlement includes a penalty of $10.8m, interest of $2.4m and a $3m civil penalty. The settlement is less than those...
Chicago Alderman and Attorney Edward Burke was charged with attempted extortion in January and indicted in May on racketeering and bribery charges alleging he tried to...