The Code of Conduct encourages judges to remain active in the community and the legal profession so long as those activities do...
Define Nepotism: The act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own...
The chief justice accused Judge DeLapp of gross neglect of duty, oppression in office and complete disregard for the law and declared...
Those encouraging the White House to expand Trump’s Supreme Court list named 5th Circuits Kyle Duncan, Andy Oldham and 11th Cir. Elizabeth...
The general rule of a closed federal appellate record is not absolute. There are 3 general exceptions which are discussed in this...
It is abundantly clear the Burkes are well within their legal rights to cite the documents and web links which they included...
Andrew Lehman and Michael Carrigan haven't got $30k never mind $3 million and that's why its a fully suspended payment. It's a...
The attorney-client privilege is narrowly construed and protects disclosures necessary to obtain informed legal advice. Threats of violence do not count.
Commerce acknowledges that the Secretary used his primary personal email account for official business without complying with federal recordkeeping requirements. Yet it...
The judges participation in the Fl. case appears to violate the code of conduct for United States judges the 10 democratic senate...
He says the best way out is always through. And I agree to that, or in so farAs that I can see...
Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder was taken into custody in connection with a $60M bribery scheme allegedly involving state officials and associates.
Since the last quarter of 2019, the Texas Supreme Court has done everything possible to hurt and damage their citizens in favor...
A ruling on a motion, whether entered by a single judge or a panel, is not binding upon the panel to which...
Breaking news; New Jersey Judge Salas was assigned the Deutsche Bank/Epstein case on July 15th, 2020. Now her son is dead and...
Petrobras relies on a Fifth Circuit opinion to support that the district court should have considered the public policy issue. This cannot...
Judge Dennis dissents quoting that the case majority (Judges Duncan and Elrod) relies upon was decided under Mississippi state law, rather than,...
A former Arizona prosecutor Juan Martinez, known for winning a conviction in the Jodi Arias murder case has agreed to be disbarred...