Where were the lawyers? Busy being protected by the judiciary and government.
Eleven union officials were indicted by the Feds Thursday for allegedly steering contracts away from the very unions they are supposed to...
Lawyer Bert Lundberg did a terrible deed. He finched $71,000 that was a homeowner(s) deposit for their precious new abode. Imagine.
Appellants, Joanna Burke and John Burke (“Burkes”), now file a Motion to Strike Appellee’s Hopkins Law, PLLC, Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins...
The top state officials warned AG Paxton that he was using his office to benefit campaign donor Nate Paul, an Austin real...
11 Texas Lawyers and Zero Judges Disciplined (and 8 Privately Disciplined) on October 2020 List of Disciplinary Actions by the State Bar...
The public should not stand for more of this misconduct in the Attorney General’s office. At the least, this bar action may...
A homeowner sued to prevent foreclosure on his home, arguing that the relevant statute of limitations had expired under Texas law. The...
In 1992, a Fifth Circuit judge called out Senior United States District Court Judge David Hittners sentencing as vindictive and unconstitutional. Move...
More than 500 JPMorgan employees got assistance from taxpayers aimed at helping businesses through the pandemic. Dozens of them shouldn’t have
A nearly 90-year-old woman who suffers from Alzheimer's was close to losing her home after the nickel and penny she owed in...
Tune in to see if Judge Kimberly Fitzpatrick will sanction banks' attorney for fabricating evidence to support its motion for summary judgment....
The receiver for investment funds accused of operating as a Ponzi scheme has sued DLA Piper and Fox Rothschild for allegedly facilitating...
Word of the security lapse quickly spread and applicants said that they were able to access their application files after logging out.
While Gov. Greg Abbott and state legislators have not moved to protect Texas homeowners struggling financially because of COVID-19, Harris County Judge...
After PHH Ocwen decided not to settle with the Kaufmann Group - the lawyer group now wants in on this case, the...