Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is facing criticism after deciding this month that he would revoke COVID-19 vaccine access at health centers in...
Russian Hackers probably gained access to the vast trove of confidential information hidden in sealed documents, including trade secrets, espionage targets, whistleblower...
Amid a projected $675 million deficit in Los Angeles, city officials cashed in on their efforts to combat the swelling housing crisis...
Pryor states: Any allegation that calls into question the correctness of an official decision or procedural ruling of a judge - without...
U.S. District Judge Vanessa D. Gilmore of the Houston Div'n, S.D. Texas, has announced that she plans to retire in January 2022.
The lawyer at issue, appellate counsel Gaylyn Leon Cooper, failed to notify the applicant of the outcome of his direct appeal and...
Here, this Judicial Council has an opportunity to correct not only a manifest injustice, but perversion of justice. It should do so...
There's 15 Publicly Texas Lawyers & Judges Disciplined on May 2020 Rogues List and then there's the 8 Texas Attorney's that You'll...
Donald Trump’s former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife Louise Linton is making her directorial debut on the back of illegal foreclosure funds,...
A dozen publicly disciplined lawyers, and in total millions of dollars stolen. Zero jail time as lawyers in Texas continue to be...
It’s refreshing. It’s candid. It’s a 3-panel led by a new circuit judge by the name of Judge Cory Wilson. Together with...
The Secret Six plus another 4 Texas lawyers slapped by the Texas Bar - who apparently forgot to return to work after...
The State Bar of Texas offers Lawyers a Mediation Service Where they Convince the Defrauded Client to Enter into Interest-Free Personal Loans...
The Due Process Protection Act should help stem prosecutorial misconduct, prevent violations of defendants’ due process rights, and avoid costly reversals and...
The court determined that Rosen, the plaintiffs attorney, should face the sanctions along with the client because he did not do a...
There is no place in public discourse for lies and misinformation to defraud citizens of their right to vote.
With the departure of managing partner Randall Sorrels, the Houston trial firm commonly known as Abraham Watkins has changed its name, tapped...
If you want to kill him, then lure him into your house and claim he broke in with intent to do you...