$100K bond set for Harris Co. judge’s wife accused of murdering nephew in fight in Katy, docs say
APR 6, 2024 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: APR 8, 2024
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) — A woman who is accused of fatally shooting her nephew following a fight in northwest Harris County made her first court appearance early Saturday morning, according to documents.
Mei Wolfe, 48, is facing a murder charge after a deputies said an ongoing feud with her nephew led to her shooting him inside her home on Thursday night.
ABC13 learned the woman is the wife of Harris County Justice of the Peace Bob Wolfe.
The situation unfolded in the 24300 block of Tesino River Circle before 9:30 p.m.
The Harris County Sheriff’s Office says Wolfe’s recent college graduate nephew was staying with her after a few months of traveling.
Officials said the two got into an altercation after Mei felt that the victim overstayed his welcome. That is when Mei grabbed a pistol and fired a shot at one point, according to deputies.
Investigator said Wolfe’s husband, Bob, called 911 before unsuccessfully trying to stop the altercation and removing the weapon from his wife’s hand.
Wolfe’s nephew was pronounced dead at the scene. He was identified as 40-year-old James Wolfe II.
A judge granted Wolfe’s bond at $100,000. She was ordered not to have firearms and will have to surrender her passport if she bonds out.
ABC13 contacted Judge Bob Wolfe’s office on Friday but was told he would not comment.
Judge Bob Wolfe was elected Precinct 5, Place 2 Justice of the Peace Nov. 08, 2022. He took the bench January 1, 2023.
Judge Wolfe is a native Houstonian who graduated from South Texas College of Law in Houston, where he received his Juris Doctor Degree in 1983. He also graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Business Administration. He practiced law in Texas from 1983 until his election to the bench.
Judge Wolfe is married and is the proud father of two sons and a daughter. He also has two granddaughters. He and his wife attend a local Baptist Church. Judge Wolfe served on the Board of Trustees of the Lone Star College System from June 10, 2010 until May 13, 2016.
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Wife of Harris County judge accused of killing nephew during fight about overstaying welcome
APR 5, 2024 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: APR 8, 2024
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) — The wife of a Harris County judge is accused of shooting and killing her nephew during a fight in west Harris County.
According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, murder charges have been filed against 48-year-old Mei Huang Wolfe.
ABC13 learned Mei Wolfe is the wife of Harris County Justice of the Peace Bob Wolfe, who the sheriff’s office confirmed was home at the time of the incident.
The shooting happened just before 9:20 p.m. Thursday in the 24300 block of Tesino River Circle, near Porter Road and Clay Road.
Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said there were four adults inside the home at the time – the married couple, their nephew, and the wife’s daughter.
Deputies said a fight broke out between Mei Wolfe and the nephew, and at some point, she allegedly grabbed a pistol and fired a shot.
HCSO said Bob Wolfe was the one to call 911 before he tried to stop his wife from shooting their nephew.
Paramedics tried to save the victim, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.
Gonzalez said the nephew was a recent college graduate and had been traveling, but was now staying at his aunt and uncle’s home. He said Mei Wolfe may have felt the nephew wasn’t welcome in the home anymore, and that’s what sparked the argument.
“Very tragic situation. I understand the young man was in his early 20s. Our condolences go out to the extended family and everybody impacted by this loss,” Gonzalez said.
Investigators did not immediately release the nephew’s name.
“We’ve seen a lot of family and intimate partner violence happening recently. I think yesterday we had two shootings related to — in those situations, were husband and wife — but sometimes it extends beyond that to other family members,” Gonzalez said. “In this case, again, a female homeowner and her nephew. A very tragic situation.”