Appellate Circuit

ClerkGate: A Formal Request is Made to the Fifth Circuit for A Copy of the Phone Call Audio

This being the Audio Conversation Between Case Clerk Christina A. Gardner and John Burke in the ClerkGate Scandal at the Fifth Circuit.

Burke v. Ocwen et al

4:21-cv-2591 (10 Aug., 2021, S.D. Tex.)

United States District Court
Southern District of Texas
August 10, 2021
Nathan Ochsner, Clerk

AUG 17, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: AUG 17, 2021

United States Court of Appeals
Fifth Circuit
Office of the Clerk

August 19, 2021

No. 19-20267 Burke v. Ocwen Loan Servicing
USDC No. 4:18-CV-4544 USDC No. 4:18-CV-4543

Dear Ms. Burke, Mr. Burke,

We received your August 17, 2021, Request for Audio and Transcript of Ms. Gardner’s phone call to Mr. Burke on July 19, 2021.

We are taking no action on this document as our telephone conversations are not recorded or stored in any way.



By: Dawn M. Shulin,
Deputy Clerk

cc: Mr. Mark D. Hopkins
Ms. Shelley Luan Hopkins

Date: Aug. 17, 2021


Clerk of Court
U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
600 S. Maestri Place, Suite 115
New Orleans, LA 70130

By email only due to Pandemic:

Dear Clerk of Court

Re:       5th Circuit Appeal 19-20267 and S.D. Tex Case 4:21−cv−02591, Burke et al v. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC et al

We refer to the above 5th Circuit case, which was unlawfully dismissed on August 4, 2021, relying upon a void motion submitted by Christina A. Gardner, Case Management Clerk.

We believe all phone calls from your court are recorded and we now wish to obtain a copy of the audio and transcript for Ms. Gardner’s phone call to John Burke on Friday, July 9, 2021.

If this written request is insufficient, then we formally request the appellate courts’ official audio/transcript request form along with any payment amount due to recover this audio/transcript.

Note; we could not locate any such form or information on your website as the only transcript form appears to be for the lower court transcripts, located at—clerks-office/court-reporters/transcriptorderform.pdf

If you need any further information or have any comments, please feel free to keep our email thread open with any requests you may have. We would appreciate your earliest response related to our request for the above information.

Stay safe.


/s/ J & J Burke

Joanna & John Burke

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ClerkGate: A Formal Request is Made to the Fifth Circuit for A Copy of the Phone Call Audio
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