PPP liar loans under the microscope at the Fifth Circuit, a court which has blanked the largest liar loans in American History...
This is the second stop foreclosure action by Jamie Phelan of Kingwood, who claims to have sold home for $330k to Chase...
Delete Me Demands are emailed via a private entity called Abine, Inc, a computer software development company focused on privacy tools.
A declaratory judgment concerning an alleged 25% ownership interest in real property located at 9223 Benning Drive, Houston, Texas 77031
LIT checked for CSO registration at the Texas Secretary of State and Debt Management database at TX OCCC. Results: NADA. Zilch. Zero.
In smaller law firms or solo practitioner practices, attorneys may handle various tasks, including those typically performed by paralegals.
If you've been sued by Associated Energy Group LLC for jet fuel debt by The Kruckemeyer Law Firm, you should read this...
Operating an unregistered CSO is a violation of Chapter 393, Finance Code, and may also be a criminal offense.
Pro se litigants can be sanctioned and even labeled a 'vexatious litigant'. Vexatious Texas foreclosure defense lawyers are not.
Sometimes, life's a beach as LIT writes up this Galveston case with Mayor Jeff Brown and his sidekick MJ Edison presiding.
Judge Al 'Bent' Bennett raises his hand to take this unlawful case from out of state law firm and unregistered with TX...
Williams has owned the home since 1988. His wife has dementia, cancer and living in a nursing facility. JPM and BDF claim...
And we know the relationship that Judge Al 'Bent' Bennett shares with Harris County District Court and Choudri's former staffer, now a...
The Chane of Investment in LLC's has grown exponentially since 2019, once Judge Alfred H Bennett's spouse ditched BP for real estate.
Lyndell Price has shot to celebrity status in H-Town and this Bad Boy seems to have the Judiciary and Police Wipin' Criminal...
Superior Consulting Group were before Judge Hoyt very recently and LIT was trackin' the case. Apparently, it's a very small place, H-Town.
Final Judgment Amount: As Appellant did not press the issue before the district court, the claims have been forfeited. 5th Circuit.
The Estate case relates to one property. We've checked out 3, two for Georgia Lewis and one for family members.