Debt Management or Settlement Services in Texas Require Registration, Licensing and Annual Reporting. Alice Bower is Not Licensed in Texas.
Bristol and Dubiel are one of the thousands of law firms in violation of Texas Debt License and Bond Requirements, collecting for...
Vivian N. Lopez is listed on the docket as working for Tittle Law Group, PLLC. It's the first case we've seen reference...
Per DOJ press releases, CJ Comu’s sentencing was scheduled for July 8, 2020, before Judge Kinkeade. It's now rescheduled to Sept 7,...
Blake of Boron Capital, a High School Dropout from Lubbock, Texas is Livin' the Rich Life On Other People's Hard Earned Dosh...
Bradley are taken to task by Judge for actin' like Crystal Gibson of BDF Hopkins when knowingly and falsely removing case from...
They are a company in violation of many state and federal laws, who have been scammin', lyin' and stealin' homes from vulnerable...
LIT avers this sum as being absurd in 2022. The min. sum should be $750k. You're dragging the average Texas Citizens into...
Judge Andrew 'Andy' Oldham penned the Opinion for the 3-panel known to favor Deutsche Bank, and which included Judge Haynes and Jolly.
Thomas's residence at 2036 Lake Trail Dr Forney TX 75126 is subject to foreclosure which has been removed by the attorney at...
His Dad may have been a Judge, but this Texas Lawyer and Firm is not licensed in the State with the OCCC...
The Wolves are busy collecting homesteads after death and U.S. Bank give them a lot of referral business in the State of...
Dondi establishes adopting standards of litigation conduct including candor, diligence, respect, personal dignity and professional integrity.
Pro Se Warning: If you don't read LIT or do your homework on federal rules, the court will dismiss your case at...
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen ordered Walton to serve 24 months in federal prison followed by one year of supervised release.
LIT focuses on Mackie Wolf Lawyer, Notary Public, Nicholas M. Frame from the 107 pages of removed legal fraudulence. He's been around...
Damian W. Abreo of HWA is replaced in the Dallas Foreclosure case styled Norman v. Community Loan Servicing, LLC and LIT notes...
Snap removal to Federal Court by Unlicensed Debt Collector Hopkins Law PLLC in Wright v. Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC, NDTX.