Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
One cannot allow one federal court in the State of Texas to allow pro se to file electronically and another deny all...
Pro se Harriet Nicholson's Drop Mic Moment in Texas Federal Court.
The discovery protocols are biased in favor of the bank or non-bank and the gag order is in violation of the first...
Jason LeBoeuf was a former BDF Law Group attorney along with Shelley Hopkins. LeBoeuf is now a foreclosure defense attorney in Texas.
Justice Barrett is originally from Louisiana and while sitting on the Seventh Circuit was keen to cite to published 5th Cir. Precedent...
A clear failure by the trial court to analyze or apply the law correctly will constitute an abuse of discretion.
As long as the people accept this appalling type of behavior by federal judges and their staff, courts will continue to trample...
Judges do not choose their cases, and litigants do not choose their judges. We all operate on a blind draw system.
Lewis's mother threatened a Texas judge where she admitted to knowing where the Judge kept his gun. She was a housekeeper at...
Service of process is usually executed by a sheriff, constable, or other person authorized by law to serve process in Texas.
In the past six years, the Senate received articles of impeachment for not one but two federal judges, said Sen. Chuck Grassley.
Judiciary leaders are expressing deep concern that Congress has failed to provide funding to protect federal judges. LIT says don't fund 'em.
Failure to effect proper service of process within 90-day period per FRCP 4(m), Court must dismiss the action without prejudice.
Judge Priscilla R. Owen shunts the blame onto 66 year old Circuit Executive Theodore "Ted" Cominos for the ClerkGate Corruption Scandal.
Fifth Cir. hold that a reasonable man would reasonably question this trial judge’s impartiality and the integrity of the judicial system.
A communication divulged to “strangers” or outsiders can scarcely be considered a confidential communication between attorney and client.
A Federal Lawsuit for Declaratory Judgment to decide if the Texas 2COA had jurisdiction to review non-appealable interlocutory orders.