Unauthorized Practice of Law in Texas
Commercial, Investment Property and Residential Homes for Sale at Harris County Nonjudicial Foreclosure Auction
Apparently, Texas Lawyer and Newly Appointed Judge M. Sofia Adrogue didn't Advise Gov. Greg Abbott of Her Precarious Financial Predicament.
Dr John Thrash has owned the property since 1994. He's been litigating this dispute in a few proceedings this year about the...
After a court agreed she stole home at 19226 PINEWOOD MIST LN HUMBLE TX 77346 Christa Burch reneges on legal settlement to...
Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas-Led Challenge to Mifepristone Access by CA5 3-Panel comprising of Judges Jennifer Elrod, Jim Ho and Wilson.
Defending Homeowners Rights Against Improper Federal Jurisdiction and Holding Substitute Trustees Accountable for Their Independent Role.
Unraveling lawyer Clay Vilt's unlawful referral fee, foreclosure defense scams and the terrifying support from state and federal authorities.
The Fifth Circuit court has been reversed more times at SCOTUS than any other, and SCOTX continues to reject their Erie Guesses.
Am. Pearl Grp. v. Nat'l Payment Sys., No. 23-10804 (5th Cir. Sep. 10, 2024)
Anthony Quinn Welch was indicted on four counts of preparing false income tax returns and two counts of filing fraudulent income tax...
The time has arrived. Texas, the US Gov and related agencies implement cover up the financial crisis related fraud against Texan homeowners.
Khaliq Bryant sued to quiet title on property in Texas. The district court dismissed Bryant's suit for failure to state a claim....
Is the law being applied equally in Texas courts? The Court should sua sponte dismiss this lawsuit with prejudice as barred by...
Res judicata does not operate as a bar to litigation when the second claim could not be raised in the previous litigation
The Greatest Theft of Citizens Homes has become an Egregious Vendetta by Lawyers and the Judiciary against one homeowner, Joanna Burke.
Burg never made a payment under either Stipulation Agreement which, in the plain language of the agreements, renders them “null and void.”