
Tuesday, January 7, 2025: Harris County Foreclosure Auction Listings

Commercial, Investment Property and Residential Homes for Sale at Harris County Nonjudicial Foreclosure Auction

Harris County Foreclosure Listings

Auction Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The accordion below provides a small selection of the near 900 properties listed for auction which we’ve highlighted on social media and/or on LIT. The vast majority of properties under the hammer will go unnoticed and unchallenged. LIT provides monthly analysis of those homeowners or business owners who try to prevent their property from being sold at auction, either via filing a lawsuit in Harris County District Court, or by seeking bankruptcy protection in federal court.

Straw man Deutsche Bank (DBNTCO) are still thievin’ into 2025 with the assistance of the judiciary and legal profession.

The number of commercial properties including residential apartment complexes in foreclosure and/or bankruptcy in Houston has increased dramatically in the second half of 2024.

More commercial properties and family feuds.

H-Town’s over-the-top socialites facing financial ruin as the declined AMEX card won’t pay for dinner, and then there’s the financial fraud by Kalkan. Following behind them is Blockchain Burton along with the jacked and sick gardens.

DHI, RAD, REIT’s and Mendenhall’s Flippin’ Foreclosure Armageddon which LIT predicted is real…

Gov. Cleanup: The Government’s Bandit Lawyer Protection Program

IFP Abusers to Texas Lawyers Homesteads hit the auction block.

A River Oaks Lawyer was nominated to become a Judge on the Newly Created “Business Court” in Houston, Texas by Gov Greg Abbott. His Attorney General nor the lawyer herself brought to his attention that she and her husband were in financial distress and that’s the main reason she accepted – she needed a steady income. LIT’s sure Zions Bancorporation, who acquired Amegy Bank of Texas will have received the memo and will ensure this embarrassing wrinkle will be ironed out – quickly.

Magistrate Judge Christina A. Bryan and District Judge Sim Lake Eviscerated by Fifth Circuit

The district court, in adopting the magistrate judge’s recommendation, erred in dismissing Sharnez’s § 1981, § 1982, and Title II claims.

The De La Torres 2011 Nonjudicial Foreclosure Spiraled Into Several Lawsuits n’ Parties by 2025

Questionably, why did Bank of New York allow the HOA to foreclose by default for $700 after they foreclosed on the homeowners in 2011?

Title, Adverse Possession and Subject-Matter Jurisdiction Explained in Texas Eviction Appeal

Justice Goodman’s correction and rejection of specific evidence requirement should have been in the body of the opinion, not as a footnote.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025: Harris County Foreclosure Auction Listings
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