If you are facing foreclosure in Texas Federal Court, there's a lot of legalese to learn. But will you receive access to...
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company was an unsecured creditor when the banks failed in 2008. Now it's a fraudulent vehicle for the...
Will the members of this group advocate for pro se access to electronic filing rights, sealed documents and also basic access to...
LIT has said this repeatedly. Judicial Immunity has been abused for decades and it is time to reel in these Outlaws in...
Judge Gilstrap has taken on 138 cases since 2011 involving companies in which he had a financial interest, more than any other...
Thus far, the pandemic has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, with a total death count of half a million predicted for...
So what we have here is the court missed the fact that sanctioned lawyer Gibson did not provide a declaration affidavit for...
Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
One cannot allow one federal court in the State of Texas to allow pro se to file electronically and another deny all...
The discovery protocols are biased in favor of the bank or non-bank and the gag order is in violation of the first...
Mark D. Hopkins does not like Magistrate Judges. But that is not the case with Judge Christine A. Nowak, a former creditor...
Justice Barrett is originally from Louisiana and while sitting on the Seventh Circuit was keen to cite to published 5th Cir. Precedent...
A clear failure by the trial court to analyze or apply the law correctly will constitute an abuse of discretion.
As long as the people accept this appalling type of behavior by federal judges and their staff, courts will continue to trample...
Judges do not choose their cases, and litigants do not choose their judges. We all operate on a blind draw system.
Judge King sat on another recent appeal panel re internet searches involving Judge Lynn Hughes who looked up a litigant's company erroneously
Service of process is usually executed by a sheriff, constable, or other person authorized by law to serve process in Texas.
In the past six years, the Senate received articles of impeachment for not one but two federal judges, said Sen. Chuck Grassley.