San Antonio Lawyer Obermeier unprofessionally and unethically told Plaintiff she had to take the deal because he really, really liked their attorney.
There was a judge that should’ve been put in the electric chair, and he only had his hand slapped, recalled former Commissioner...
Shamed Judge and Texas Lawyer Joel Baker would be left to defend himself in front of the same panel he has served...
Attorney Bill Brewer petitions the Texas Supreme Court. Of course he won. This is Texas and Texas Supreme Court is owned by...
The ABA, recognizing the urgency and timeliness of these issues, has chosen Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society for this year’s Law...
Furthermore, these actions are clearly inconsistent with the proper performance of her duties as a judge and cast public discredit upon the...
Houston city officials intentionally destroyed evidence, wiping crucial data from the computer drives of top police commanders that is potentially relevant to...
What happened when people or companies appealed to the US Supreme Court - Petition for Writ of Certiorari. Order List for Monday,...
Judge Tagle’s order notes that the attorney is no longer allowed to practice in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals because of...
What you should know about Texas Southern District Federal Court Judges. Laws in Texas provides bios, cases and opinions from these lifetime...
13 Texas Lawyers and Judges Gone Rogue and the 9 privileged enough to be Disciplined Privately and so you'll never know -...
What happened when people or companies appealed to the US Supreme Court - Petition for Writ of Certiorari. Order List for Monday,...
Foreclosure King, Real Estate Investor and current US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin takes charge of ensuring all corporate fat cats get to...
The failure of the offending party’s lawyer to ensure the correction of deposition perjury condones and assists fraud and undermines the justice...
New Residential has a different focus compared to most mREITs, as it invests a large amount of its money into MSRs and...
Matthew Connolly, who once led Deutsche Bank’s pool trading desk in New York, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon in...
BlackRock said: The suit is really a misconceived attempt at reputation recovery by William Erbey [who is] the disgraced founder and former...
More generally: do you (Steve Mnuchin) see your job as protecting the interests of the entirety of the American people or a...