William Sessions sons are alleged to want him to divorce from his wife of 65 plus years, Alice Sessions - as Lewis...
Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, said Ogg’s actions were cause for serious concern. - Rather than work collaboratively...
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott retweeted a photograph of a car crash and implied that a homeless person caused it by running into...
Indeed, Judge Ho and Judge Oldham conclude this section of the opinion by saying: If we’re not going to do it right,...
In the first three months of 2019, the bank reported more than $10 million in loans to finance farming, according to the...
It almost brought tears to my eyes that anybody, any elected official, much less a judicial officer, would behave in such a...
Apparently, in Trump’s eyes, the perfect man for the job was student loan industry executive Robert Cameron. Cameron’s prior position was with...
“The more this drags out, the more this looks like political retaliation because of my role in getting Ken Paxton indicted,” Ty...
In Faludi's case the facts appear clear from the opinion; Faludi signed a contract as an Independent Contractor, yet now sues US...
Filing fraudulent assignments and substitutions of trustee and related practices appears to be illegal in Texas, too. State Attorney General Greg Abbott...
Stern and his co-conspirators sought to enrich themselves by illegally recruiting clients through the payment and receipt of illegal kickbacks in order...
James Wilson’s design was that every court could serve as a court of common sense: not the haphazard common sense of shallow...
Acosta writes on Facebook: Serial Predator and Texas Family Law Attorney, Allan Manka, was given plea deal by Wilson County Attorney’s Office....
Mikal Watts of Watts Guerra, San Antonio, Texas is a highly successful local trial lawyer whose firm has won more than a...
Hopkins Law PLLC Does Not Hold a Surety Bond to Perform Debt Collection Services in Texas but the Texas AG refuses to...
Michael and Mary Porter, cattle ranch owners from Doss, were the biggest contributors thanks to a $1 million donation to Texans for...
People don’t understand, said David Korn, a Columbus attorney who teaches real estate law at Columbus State Community College. People think, The...
While the company’s case was being reviewed by the state supreme court, plaintiffs began to suspect that State Farm was providing significant...