CATO argue that allowing the CFPB to carry on with unconstitutionally initiated actions would perpetuate the earlier constitutional violation.
If you’re confirmed why would a transgender person with a case before you ever think they’d have a fair and impartial hearing?...
When the court is Judge Marra and there is a formal complaint he colluded with Sabrina Rose-Smith of Goodwin Procter, Ocwen lawyers,...
Andrew Lehman and Michael Carrigan haven't got $30k never mind $3 million and that's why its a fully suspended payment. It's a...
Commerce acknowledges that the Secretary used his primary personal email account for official business without complying with federal recordkeeping requirements. Yet it...
A ruling on a motion, whether entered by a single judge or a panel, is not binding upon the panel to which...
Judge Dennis dissents quoting that the case majority (Judges Duncan and Elrod) relies upon was decided under Mississippi state law, rather than,...
Judge James Gwin said the transfer is not part of the county’s tax administration because the county does not collect any tax...
If you are defending a foreclosure action and have the case dismissed, there is no bar to the bank continuing legal action...
When the decisions of courts of justice are made, they must, it is true, be executed; but the power of executing them...
The US Supreme Court has previously held that a plaintiff suffers an injury in fact when the plaintiff fails to obtain information...
The Burkes finally obtain a reply from the Virginia State Bar, after sending an open letter to the Senate Committee but the...
Compensatory damages, based on plaintiff’’s loss, and restitution of unjust enrichment, based on defendant’s gain, are fundamentally distinct. Each kind of claim...
These results are highly relevant in today’s climate Diamond said. There are huge, long-term harms of foreclosure that have not been on...
As the Burkes have been “blanked” in unison by the judiciary and various state bars, we believe that our civil and constitutional...
Wretchedly, that makes Judge Liz Branch another impartial and bias judge. There is no way it can be interpreted in any other...
There was a total of 4.123 million loans that were 30 days or more past due in May, 723,000 more than in...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a Bankers Institution and to call itself a Consumer Watchdog Agency is literally fraud upon...