In this foreclosure case, the pleading relies on signatures of both spouses required on all docs and instruments to foreclose. The Court...
the Bank of America wins as it's an instant dismissal for reasons stated herein: district court’s dismissal of his civil action for...
This opinion is rendered as per usual for the Bank, claiming the stop start of acceleration is as good an excuse as needed...
Here, the district court properly applied the doctrines of equitable tolling and abandonment and correctly concluded that the limitations period had not...
In this foreclosure case the panel dismissed the claims in a short affirmation in favor of Bank of America, claiming failure to...
When you're in business and setup an LLC or similar, your assets are protected from law suits and the directors, partners etc...
In this foreclosure case the panel just dismissed the claims in a short affirmation in favor of JPMorgan et al.
In this particular Opinion, the cold Fifth Circuit panel opinion shows a lack of compassion and disinterest to the homeowners pleadings.
In the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision, Sexton v Deutsche Bank they reiterate their belligerent stance in this and other cases that Erie...
Texas law prohibited Wells Fargo from making the tax payment on unsecured property and then charging it to the loan secured by...
Chambers brought this lawsuit pro se against the mortgage servicer, which was quickly disposed by the Fifth Circuit, as she was not...
Kim brought several lawsuits which were combined and disposed by the Fifth Circuit, confirming Bank win in this foreclosure appeal.
Riley brought this lawsuit, which was disposed by the Fifth Circuit, for the often and too common ruling of failure to state...
In this particular Opinion, the McZeals' seem overwhelmed in their brief and end up with a lot of content but no focus...
In this particular Opinion, the McZeals' seem overwhelmed in their brief and end up with a lot of content but no focus...
In June 2016, Smitherman filed his fourth lawsuit in state court relating to this mortgage dispute to prevent a fourth foreclosure attempt.
Williams brought this commercial mortgage lawsuit for breach of contract, among other claims, which has been sent back to the lower court...
Castrellon brought this lawsuit, saying that agreement was made with Deutsche Bank but they later reneged. That's fine says the Fifth Circuit,...