This summer, a special court of review publicly reprimanded Guy Williams for groping three female public officials at a party and issuing...
The House Oversight and Reform Committee on Monday launched an investigation into Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao over whether she is using her...
Since 2015, attorney Herskowitz has been implicated in at least two other schemes targeting borrowers in foreclosure in Florida and Queens. He...
Cleveland said that he was too weak to get up. Nurse Bell told Cleveland to stop playing and come get your medication...
Even if he’s successful and beats back every one of the adjustments, the judge would still land in Zone D, level 14,...
In summer 2017, a 10-year-old died in an ATV accident at his grandparents’ house. The boy’s mom sued the grandparents, the Richards....
Every year, churches in the SBC collectively raise about $11 billion — revenues that put them on par with a mid-tier Fortune...
As one of the court’s most conservative members, Gorsuch praised federal judges who believe the Constitution is the greatest charter of human...
The Court recently voted to rehear en banc the case of Collins v. Mnuchin, an important administrative law dispute about the structure...
The controversial Harris County Bail system pitted poor people against the justice system and has been subject to a lawsuit since 2016....
ISIS fanatic Khan admitted in his plea that he’d told Garcia via Facebook that he wanted to join ISIS. A few weeks...
In the words of CFPB Director Richard Cordray, These wolves in sheep’s clothing [lawyers] take money from consumers who are already struggling...
Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, said Ogg’s actions were cause for serious concern. - Rather than work collaboratively...
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott retweeted a photograph of a car crash and implied that a homeless person caused it by running into...
Indeed, Judge Ho and Judge Oldham conclude this section of the opinion by saying: If we’re not going to do it right,...
“The more this drags out, the more this looks like political retaliation because of my role in getting Ken Paxton indicted,” Ty...
In Faludi's case the facts appear clear from the opinion; Faludi signed a contract as an Independent Contractor, yet now sues US...
James Wilson’s design was that every court could serve as a court of common sense: not the haphazard common sense of shallow...