The Burkes filed their Petition for Rehearing en banc to allow all the active judges who are not recused and able to...
Why Judicial Immunity has killed democracy.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals 3-Panel Assignments are far from random, they are hand-selected by the Court, in violation of due...
Judge Priscilla Owen is involved in most of the 3-panel opinions in 2021 related to foreclosure appeals, representing Wall St. and taking...
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
We're not privy to which Quarter Back clerk was assigned to draft the consolidated opinion but we can say emphatically it is...
Attorneys for Elliott Feltner petitioned the high court to examine whether the county’s process of foreclosing on properties and transferring them to...
Sounds Familiar: The consumer protection goal of Colorado foreclosures was gutted by the amendments drafted by the creditor attorney Respondents.
Transactional lawyers counsel individuals and organizations on the legal issues generated by their business dealings.
We, Judge Owen and Judge Costa, disagree with the dissenting opinion by Judge Haynes regarding the alleged misrepresentation by a Wells Fargo...
Apparently premature is a word that the judicial colleagues of Chief Judge Priscilla Owen clearly understand without accenting in parenthesis.
The court sanctioned Ocwen $1,000 per phone call and debtors claimed they had over 100 calls from Ocwen, so that amounted to...
It's an exceptional sentence if the amount is only $90,000 and considering the average theft of funds is well over that amount...
The judiciary have their own version of the U.S. Constitution. Here's the correct and honest version which should be applied in matters...
She - Cheryl Pittman - would eventually default, failing to make at least one mortgage payment every year from 2009 to 2019...
Locke Lord: Wendy Garcia filed this lawsuit in a baseless attempt to delay the foreclosure sale of real property located in Houston,...
Nicolas v. PHH Mortgage Corporation, S.D. Texas still percolatin' informally since October 2020 and no movement on docket as at 8 July...
Steve Pursley was facing a hefty jail term, which the guidelines state could be 20 years or more. Of course, being a...