Mr. Cooper announced that due to a payment processing issue, unauthorized mortgage payments were taken from 14,000 plus borrowers’ accounts.
Andrew Franzone was charged with defrauding investors of almost $40 million, and a good part went towards funding his extravagant lifestyle.
This complete Cause of Action codes table is issued by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
Brother and Sister Texas Lawyer duo caught up in Bribery Scheme arrested, charged and ready for sentencing a year later. Cynthia Alanis...
Pro se’s are being held to a higher standard than the laws and rules require and/or not being applied in a consistent...
The Duns have pled a plausible claim that PHH Mortgage failed to provide an accurate payoff statement, e.g. omitting the insurance proceeds.
Dekom’s claim that defendants violated RESPA’s requirement that loan servicers respond to written inquiries about mortgages and foreclosures fails because lawyers ain't...
Ocwen changed the locks on this homeowner in a time of disaster in Houston (Hurricane Harvey) and also there's the big issue...
Michael and Jennifer Wattles are suing the lender Wells Fargo and Wachovia for not settling sums due on refinance to list of...
As for MERS being both a “nominee” and a “mortgagee”, the idea that a principal can be its own agent does not...
Loan Officer Joseph Terranova was the seventh and final former top Wilmington Trust official sentenced to prison in recent weeks.
CFPB Sues Ocwen (but losing badly) Mortgage Servicer’s Widespread Errors, Shortcuts, and Runarounds Cost Borrowers Money, Homes.
Halliburton is a 73-year-old woman who is being subjected to Ocwen's known mortgage servicing abuses and attempts to fraudulently foreclose.
Texas lawyer Juan Angel Guerra is no stranger to the law, both sides of it. However, his days as a foreclosure defense...
For over seven years, Ocwen and PHH Mortgage Corporation, as mortgage servicers and debt collectors, have engaged in willful, malicious, harassing, deceptive...
While superintendent of Houston Gateway Academy Richard Garza awarded a contract to a company who would kickback most of the funds.
Abuse of the public trust cannot and must not be tolerated. Corrupt practices in government strike at the heart of social order...