Compare to Enron: This litigation has been over 6 years and the record attests to a long, difficult fight that justifies fees...
It's Gannon the Cannon firing against the known foreclosure mill and sanctioned lawyer, Crystal Gee Gibson (nee Roach) of BDF Law Group.
PHH’s proposed measure of the amount in controversy—the market value of property—is inapposite based on the claims actually asserted.
So what we have here is the court missed the fact that sanctioned lawyer Gibson did not provide a declaration affidavit for...
Charlene Arkansas, now acting pro se after her counsel departed, is left to fend off counterclaims. She did not respond by the...
Although the 2006 lien was invalid under the Texas Constitution, Wells Fargo preserved its lien rights through equitable subrogation.
Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
Pro se Harriet Nicholson's Drop Mic Moment in Texas Federal Court.
Dykema Gossett submit their motion to dismiss 7 short days after removal and in contravention of the local rules and laws.
Defendant seeks a judgment for foreclosure together with an order of sale issued to the Cameron County sheriff or constable.
Where fraud is found, the party that used fraud should be deprived of the benefit of the judgment and any inequitable advantage...
Cassandra Harrison appeals two cases consolidated by S.D. Texas, Houston, to Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. IFP granted.
The discovery protocols are biased in favor of the bank or non-bank and the gag order is in violation of the first...
With so many cases percolatin' with so many judges, the departing (retiring) judge Vanessa Gilmore put herself forward to deal with Kafi.
After allowing the lawyers to arbitrate without court oversight, Judge Eskridge pings out an order that stirs the parties into action.
It’s early stages for Alan, who’s up against Michael F. Hord Jr and Fay Servicing in W.D. Tex Federal Court after removal...
Deutsche Bank filed voluntary dismissal of case due to a foreclosure hold placed in the loan instituted by the FEMA and HUD....
One can't help but notice that Snr Judge Hoyt obtains foreclosure complaints 'of color' despite the random 'blind draw' assignment system.