LIT's Reviewed HOA Lawyer Robert V. North's Civil Action History in Harris County, and it's Plain and Obvious to us, he's a...
In smaller law firms or solo practitioner practices, attorneys may handle various tasks, including those typically performed by paralegals.
There's an invasion of law firms violatin' Texas debt collection laws. But if Outlaw State Judges blank the Rule of Law, it...
Section 392.101 of the Texas Finance Code prohibits a third-party debt collector or credit bureau from engaging in debt collection in Texas.
Barack Obama: We Need Full-Blown Gov’t Censorship To Eradicate Independent Media. He's urged Biden regime to declare a national emergency.
When you have a corrupt State Gov't and Judiciary on your side, there's no end to the financial takings Bandits steal from...
U.S. Federal District courts have treated law firms in the business of judicial foreclosures as debt collectors under the FDCPA.
Sec. 392.101. BOND REQUIREMENT. A third-party debt collector may not engage in debt collection unless they obtained a surety bond (1997).
The attorney's paralegal has worked for Austin Barsalou for a decade. See; Texas Finance Code 392.001(7) re requirement for a surety bond.
Kris Balekian Hayes, Attorney of Family Law is double board-certified in family law and child welfare, Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Nekketta M. Archie, Esq. is the Managing Attorney and Owner of Archie Law PLLC. She is a transplant from the West Texas...
If you've been sued by Associated Energy Group LLC for jet fuel debt by The Kruckemeyer Law Firm, you should read this...
Debt collector Bob Kruckemeyer files these two lawsuits in Harris County District Court to recover $135k plus in fuel bills from Century...
After a no answer default judgment against Golden State Jet for $41k plus, Bob's back on behalf of AEG LLC to garnish...
Sometimes, life's a beach as LIT writes up this Galveston case with Mayor Jeff Brown and his sidekick MJ Edison presiding.
Williams has owned the home since 1988. His wife has dementia, cancer and living in a nursing facility. JPM and BDF claim...
Sandoval v. City of San Francisco, 22-cv-02409-RS (N.D. Cal) Dismissing McEachern at this point would be an unreasonable and unfair gotcha.
Superior Consulting Group were before Judge Hoyt very recently and LIT was trackin' the case. Apparently, it's a very small place, H-Town.